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Use Beyond Compare in OS X


Beyond Compare is a file comparison utility. Aside from comparing files, the program is capable of doing side-by-side comparison of directories, FTP directories, and archives. It is available for Windows and Linux operating systems.

Scooter company released some time ago in a long-awaited Mac beta version Beyond Compare, completing the Windows, Linux and Mac full coverage platform. If you are a Mac user, and it is the git heavy users, why not try it?

Official Website www.scootersoftware.com

Download Beyond Compare for Mac

Extracting the Beyond Compare, drag to "Programs" folder of the installation. After installing Beyond Compare, the next step is to install it from the command-line tool. Open Beyond Compare, select "Install Command Line Tools" in "Beyond Compare" drop-down menu, in the pop-up box, enter the system password, it will automatically install the command-line tool to the system. After installing the command line tools, you can enter in a terminal ...

$ bcomp a.txt b.txt

... to compare files. The following steps are based on its command line tools for.

Usr in Git CLI

After installing Beyond Compare's next step is to set it as the Git diff tool and merge tool. Enter the following few commands in Terminal

$ git config --global diff.tool bc3
$ git config --global difftool.prompt false
$ git config --global merge.tool bc3

These command means that when you use in Git ...

$ git diff

... or ...

$ git mereg

... command, Git will automatically call just to open a command line tool to compare files Bycompare.

Use in Tower

Exit Tower Tool and run following command in a terminal:

$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Tower

If there is no CompareScripts folder, use ...

$ sudo mkdir CompareScripts

... to generating a folder
Download bcomp.sh and put into CompareScripts folder

Use ...

$ sudo chmod +x bcomp.sh

... ommand to give it executable permissions and download CompareToools.plist to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Tower folder

Start Tower

Use in SourceTree

  1. Open SourceTree
  2. Select the "Performance" in the menu SourceTree
  3. In the top menu bar, select "diff" tab
  4. In the "External Diff / Merge"
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