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Make a DSDT and SSDT


The DSDT (Differentiated System Description Table) is the main table in the ACPI part of a computer's BIOS.
The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) defines a large number of tables that provide the interface between an ACPI-compliant operating system and system firmware. These allow description of system hardware in a platform-independent manner in ACPI Machine Language (AML).

The problem is that OS X has an incomplete ACPI implementation which supports only a subset of DSDT. Modifying the DSDT allows the user to better support their hardware. For example, fixing Time Machine and the UUID 35 error is possible after modifying the DSDT.

To patch your DSDT, you must either use a new table file that someone else has provided, or extract and modify your own. Then tell your bootloader to use the new DSDT file instead of the BIOS. On a few motherboards it is also possible to replace the BIOS with an updated BIOS with a patched DSDT.


Install AIDA64

AIDA64 is a system information, diagnostics, and auditing program that runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It displays detailed information on the components of a computer. Information can be saved to file in formats such as HTML, CSV, or XML. Download and install AIDA64 from official website www.aida64.com

Open AIDA64 → Right Click → ACPI Tool → Save DSDT → Save DSDT As acpi_dsdt.bin

Save Table → Save SSDT As acpi_ssdt-1.bin, acpi_ssdt-2.bin, ...

Video Debug → Video BIOS dump

Rename File

acpi_dsdt.bin → acpi_dsdt.aml
acpi_ssdt.bin → acpi_ssdt.aml
vgabios3_gpu1_10DE0A66.rom → 10DE_0A66.rom

Install DSDT Editor For Mac and Chameleon Wizzard on OS X. Note that DSDT Editor need to have Java Run Time support.

Use open DSDT Editor For Mac acpi_dsdt.aml, press F5 to compile, click Fix Errors, can't have Errors, Warning and Remarks can be temporarily ignored. No Error, save as DSDT.aml, use the same method to create SSDT.

Put DSDT.aml, SSDT.aml, and graphics rom to /Extra floder.


Chameleon Wizard v4.3.2.zip

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