Ri Xu Online

Laravel E-Commerce with Alipay Dualfun Develope Part IV - Controllers

Laravel E-Commerce with Alipay Dualfun Develope


This file should be saved as app/controllers/ProductController.php


class ProductController extends BaseResource
     * Resource view directory
     * @var string
    protected $resourceView = 'account.product';

     * Model name of the resource, after initialization to a model instance
     * @var string|Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    protected $model = 'Product';

     * Resource identification
     * @var string
    protected $resource = 'myproduct';

     * Resource database tables
     * @var string
    protected $resourceTable = 'products';

     * Resource name
     * @var string
    protected $resourceName = 'Goods';

     * Custom validation message
     * @var array
    protected $validatorMessages = array(
        'title.required'        => 'Please fill goods name',
        'price.required'        => 'Please fill goods price',
        'price.numeric'         => 'Price only be a number',
        'quantity.required'     => 'Please fill remaining quantity of goods',
        'quantity.integer'      => 'Remaining quantity of goods must be an integer',
        'province.required'     => 'Please select province and city',
        'content.required'      => 'Please fill content',
        'category.exists'       => 'Please choose goods category',

     * Resource list view
     * GET         /resource
     * @return Response
    public function index()
        // Get sort conditions
        $orderColumn = Input::get('sort_up', Input::get('sort_down', 'created_at'));
        $direction   = Input::get('sort_up') ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
        // Get search conditions
        switch (Input::get('target')) {
            case 'title':
                $title = Input::get('like');
        // Construct query statement
        $query = $this->model->orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->paginate(15);
        isset($title) AND $query->where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%");
        $datas = $query;
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.index')->with(compact('datas'));

     * Resource create view
     * GET         /resource/create
     * @return Response
    public function create()
        if( Auth::user()->alipay == NULL ){
            return Redirect::route('account.settings')
                    ->with('info', 'Notice: You need to set Alipay account before sale goods');
        } else {
            $categoryLists = ProductCategories::lists('name', 'id');
            return View::make($this->resourceView.'.create')->with(compact('categoryLists'));

     * Resource create action
     * POST        /resource
     * @return Response
    public function store()
        // Get all form data.
        $data    = Input::all();
        // Create validation rules
        $unique  = $this->unique();
        $rules   = array(
            'title'        => 'required|'.$unique,
            'price'        => 'required|numeric',
            'quantity'     => 'required|integer',
            'content'      => 'required',
            'category'     => 'exists:product_categories,id',
            'province'     => 'required',
        $slug      = Input::input('title');
        $hashslug  = date('H.i.s').'-'.md5($slug).'.html';
        // Custom validation message
        $messages  = $this->validatorMessages;
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
        if ($validator->passes()) {
            // Verification success
            // Add recource
            $model                   = $this->model;
            $model->user_id          = Auth::user()->id;
            $model->category_id      = $data['category'];
            $model->title            = e($data['title']);
            $model->province         = e($data['province']);
            $model->city             = e($data['city']);
            $model->price            = e($data['price']);
            $model->quantity         = e($data['quantity']);
            $model->slug             = $hashslug;
            $model->content          = e($data['content']);
            $model->meta_title       = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_description = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_keywords    = e($data['title']);

            if ($model->save()) {
                // Add success
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('success', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'post success</strong>');
            } else {
                // Add fail
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('error', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'add fail</strong>');
        } else {
            // Verification fail
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Resource edit view
     * GET         /resource/{id}/edit
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function edit($id)
        $data          = $this->model->find($id);
        $categoryLists = ProductCategories::lists('name', 'id');
        $product       = Product::where('slug', $data->slug)->first();
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.edit')->with(compact('data', 'categoryLists', 'product'));

     * Resource edit action
     * PUT/PATCH   /resource/{id}
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function update($id)
        // Get all form data.
        $data = Input::all();
        // Create validation rules
        $rules  = array(
            'title'        => 'required',
            'content'      => 'required',
            'price'        => 'required|numeric',
            'quantity'     => 'required|integer',
            'category'     => 'exists:product_categories,id',
            'province'     => 'required',
        // Custom validation message
        $messages = $this->validatorMessages;
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
        if ($validator->passes()) {

            // Verification success
            // Update resource
            $model = $this->model->find($id);
            $model->user_id          = Auth::user()->id;
            $model->category_id      = $data['category'];
            $model->title            = e($data['title']);
            $model->province         = e($data['province']);
            $model->city             = e($data['city']);
            $model->price            = e($data['price']);
            $model->quantity         = e($data['quantity']);
            $model->content          = e($data['content']);
            $model->meta_title       = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_description = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_keywords    = e($data['title']);

            if ($model->save()) {
                // Update success
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('success', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'update success');
            } else {
                // Update fail
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('error', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'update fail</strong>');
        } else {
            // Verification fail
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Resource destory action
     * DELETE      /resource/{id}
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function destroy($id)
        $data = $this->model->find($id);
        if (is_null($data))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t'.$this->resourceName);
        elseif ($data)
            $model      = $this->model->find($id);
            $thumbnails = $model->thumbnails;

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', $this->resourceName.'delete success');
            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', $this->resourceName.'delete fail');

     * Action: Add resource images
     * @return Response
    public function postUpload($id)
        $input = Input::all();
        $rules = array(
            'file' => 'image|max:3000',

        $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules);

        if ($validation->fails())
            return Response::make($validation->errors->first(), 400);

        $file                = Input::file('file');
        $destinationPath     = 'uploads/products/';
        $ext                 = $file->guessClientExtension();  // Get real extension according to mime type
        $fullname            = $file->getClientOriginalName(); // Client file name, including the extension of the client
        $hashname            = date('H.i.s').'-'.md5($fullname).'.'.$ext; // Hash processed file name, including the real extension
        $picture             = Image::make($file->getRealPath());
        // crop the best fitting ratio and resize image
        $picture->fit(1024, 683)->save(public_path($destinationPath.$hashname));
        $picture->fit(585, 347)->save(public_path('uploads/product_thumbnails/'.$hashname));

        $model               = $this->model->find($id);
        $oldThumbnails       = $model->thumbnails;
        $model->thumbnails   = $hashname;


        $models              = new ProductPictures;
        $models->filename    = $hashname;
        $models->product_id  = $id;
        $models->user_id     = Auth::user()->id;

        if( $models->save() ) {
           return Response::json('success', 200);
        } else {
           return Response::json('error', 400);

     * Action: Delete resource images
     * @return Response
    public function deleteUpload($id)
        // Only allows you to share pictures on the cover of the current resource being deleted
        $filename = ProductPictures::where('id', $id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
        $oldImage = $filename->filename;

        if (is_null($filename))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find picture');
        elseif ($filename->delete()) {

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Delete success');

            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', 'Delete fail');

     * View: My comments
     * @return Response
    public function comments()
        $comments = ProductComment::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->paginate(15);
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.comments')->with(compact('comments'));

     * Action: Delete my comments
     * @return Response
    public function deleteComment($id)
        // Delete operations only allow comments to yourself
        $comment = ProductComment::where('id', $id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
        if (is_null($comment))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find that comments');
        elseif ($comment->delete())
            return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Delete success');
            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', 'Delete fail');

     * View: Product
     * @return Respanse
    public function getIndex()
        $product    = Product::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->where('quantity', '>', '0')->paginate(12);
        $categories = ProductCategories::orderBy('sort_order')->paginate(6);
        return View::make('product.index')->with(compact('product', 'categories', 'data'));

     * Resource list
     * @return Respanse
    public function category($category_id)
        $product          = Product::where('category_id', $category_id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(6);
        $categories       = ProductCategories::orderBy('sort_order')->get();
        $current_category = ProductCategories::where('id', $category_id)->first();
        return View::make('product.category')->with(compact('product', 'categories', 'category_id', 'current_category'));

     * Resource show view
     * @param  string $slug Slug
     * @return response
    public function show($slug)
        $product    = Product::where('slug', $slug)->first();
        is_null($product) AND App::abort(404);
        $categories = ProductCategories::orderBy('sort_order')->get();
        if (Auth::check())
            $inCart = ShoppingCart::where('buyer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('product_id', $product->id)->first();
        } else {
            $inCart = false;
        return View::make('product.show')->with(compact('product', 'categories', 'inCart'));


     * View: Customer shopping cart
     * @return Response
    public function cart()
        // Get sort conditions
        $orderColumn = Input::get('sort_up', Input::get('sort_down', 'created_at'));
        $direction   = Input::get('sort_up') ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
        // Get search conditions
        switch (Input::get('target')) {
            case 'title':
                $title = Input::get('like');
        // Construct query statement
        $query = ShoppingCart::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('buyer_id', Auth::user()->id)->paginate(15);
        isset($title) AND $query->where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%");
        $datas = $query;
        $payment = ShoppingCart::where('buyer_id', Auth::user()->id)->sum('payment');

        $resource = 'myproduct';
        $resourceName = 'Shopping cart';
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.cart')->with(compact('datas', 'resource', 'resourceName', 'payment'));

     * Action: Delete goods in customer shopping cart
     * @return Response
    public function destroyGoods($id)
        $data = ShoppingCart::find($id);
        if (is_null($data))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find'.$this->resourceName);
        elseif ($data)

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', $this->resourceName.'Delete success');
            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', $this->resourceName.'Delete fail');

     * Action: Show page post action
     * @return Response
    public function postAction($slug)
        $postComment = e(Input::get('postComment'));
            // Get comment
            $content = e(Input::get('content'));
            // Check word
            if (mb_strlen($content)<3)
                return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($this->messages->add('content', 'Too short'));
            // Find article
            $product     = Product::where('slug', $slug)->first();
            // Create comment
            $comment = new ProductComment;
            $comment->content    = $content;
            $comment->product_id = $product->id;
            $comment->user_id    = Auth::user()->id;
            if ($comment->save()) {
                // Create success
                // Updated comments
                $product->comments_count = $product->comments->count();
                // Return success
                return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Post success');
            } else {
                // Create fail
                return Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('error', 'Post fail');
        } else {

            $data  = Input::all();
            $rules = array(
                'quantity'     => 'required|integer',
                'product_id'   => 'required',
                'price'        => 'required',
                'seller_id'    => 'required',
                'inventory'    => 'required',

            if (e($data['inventory'])<e($data['quantity'])) {
                return Redirect::back()
                ->with('error', '<strong>Please fill correct'.$this->resourceName.'quantity</strong>');
            } elseif (Auth::user()->id==e($data['seller_id'])) {
                return Redirect::back()
                ->with('error', '<strong>You can\'t by it, because yourself on sale</strong>');
            } else {

                // Custom validation message
                $messages  = $this->validatorMessages;
                // Begin verification
                $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);

                if ($validator->passes()) {
                // Verification success
                // Add recource
                $model                   = new ShoppingCart;
                $model->buyer_id         = Auth::user()->id;

                $model->quantity         = e($data['quantity']);
                $model->product_id       = e($data['product_id']);
                $model->price            = e($data['price']);
                $model->payment          = e($data['quantity']) * e($data['price']);
                $model->seller_id        = e($data['seller_id']);

                if ($model->save()) {
                    // Add success
                    return Redirect::back()
                        ->with('success', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'add success</strong>');
                    } else {
                        // Add fail
                        return Redirect::back()
                            ->with('error', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'add fail</strong>');
                } else {
                    // Verification fail
                    return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);


    // ...


This file should be saved as app/controllers/ProductOrderController.php


class ProductOrderController extends BaseController
     * Resource view directory
     * @var string
    protected $resourceView = 'account.order';

     * Model name of the resource, after initialization to a model instance
     * @var string|Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    protected $model = 'ProductOrder';

     * Resource identification
     * @var string
    protected $resource = 'order';

     * Resource database tables
     * @var string
    protected $resourceTable = 'product_orders';

     * Resource name
     * @var string
    protected $resourceName = 'Order';

    protected $validatorMessages = array(
        'customer_name.required'    => 'Please fill your name',
        'customer_address.required' => 'Please fill your address',
        'customer_phone.required'   => 'Please fill your mobile phone number',
        'customer_phone.numeric'    => 'Please fill correct mobile phone number',

     * View: Customer order index
     * @return Response
    public function index()
        // Get sort conditions
        $orderColumn = Input::get('sort_up', Input::get('sort_down', 'created_at'));
        $direction   = Input::get('sort_up') ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
        // Get search conditions
        switch (Input::get('target')) {
            case 'title':
                $title = Input::get('like');
        // Construct query statement
        $unpayment_order = ProductOrder::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('customer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('is_payment', 0)->paginate(15);
        $payment_order   = ProductOrder::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('customer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('is_payment', 1)->where('is_checkout', 0)->paginate(15);
        $checkout_order  = ProductOrder::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('customer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('is_checkout', 1)->paginate(15);
        isset($title) AND $query->where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%");
        $resourceName    = 'Order';
        $resource        = 'order';
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.index')->with(compact('unpayment_order', 'payment_order', 'checkout_order', 'resourceName', 'resource'));

     * View: Customer order details
     * @return Response
    public function customerOrderDetails($id)
        $data         = ProductOrder::where('customer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
        $resourceName = 'Order';
        $resource     = 'order';
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.customerOrderDetails')->with(compact('data', 'resourceName', 'resource'));

     * View: Seller order details
     * @return Response
    public function sellerOrderDetails($id)
        $data         = ProductOrder::where('seller_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
        $resourceName = 'Order';
        $resource     = 'order';
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.sellerOrderDetails')->with(compact('data', 'resourceName', 'resource'));

     * View: Generate order details
     * @return Response
    public function order($id)
        $data         = ShoppingCart::where('buyer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('id', $id)->first();
        $resourceName = 'Order';
        $resource     = 'order';
        $product_id   = Input::input('product_id');
        $product      = Product::where('id', $data->product_id)->first()->title;
        $seller       = User::where('id', $data->seller_id)->first()->nickname;
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.order')->with(compact('data', 'resourceName', 'resource', 'product_id', 'product', 'seller'));

     * Action: Payment after add goods in shopping cart
     * @return Response
    public function payment()
        $resourceName = 'Order';
        $resource     = 'order';
        // Get all form data.
        $data   = Input::all();
        $rules  = array(
            'product_id'       => 'required|',
            'customer_name'    => 'required',
            'customer_address' => 'required',
            'customer_phone'   => 'required|numeric',
        // Custom validation message
        $messages = array(
            'customer_name.required'    => 'Please fill your name',
            'customer_address.required' => 'Please fill your address',
            'customer_phone.required'   => 'Please fill your mobile phone number',
            'customer_phone.numeric'    => 'Please fill correct mobile phone number',
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
        // Save user real name
        if ( Auth::user()->username == NULL ) {
            $user = Auth::user();
            $user->username      = Input::get('customer_name');
        // Save user mobile phone number
        if ( Auth::user()->phone == NULL ) {
            $user = Auth::user();
            $user->phone      = Input::get('customer_phone');
        // Vrification Success
        if ($validator->passes()) {
            $product_id                      = Input::input('product_id');
            $product                         = Product::where('id', $product_id)->first();
            $data                            = ShoppingCart::where('buyer_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('product_id', $product_id)->first();
            $order_id                        = md5(date('his')).$product_id.Auth::user()->id;
            $seller_id                       = $data->seller_id;
            $seller_alipay                   = User::where('id', $seller_id)->first()->alipay;
            $order_name                      = 'Payment:'.$product->title;
            $payment                         = $data->payment;
            $goods_show                      = 'http://www.example.com/product/'.$product->slug;
            $customer_name                   = Input::input('customer_name');
            $customer_address                = Input::input('customer_address');
            $customer_phone                  = Input::input('customer_phone');
            // Create product order
            $product_order                   = new ProductOrder;
            $product_order->order_id         = $order_id;
            $product_order->seller_id        = $seller_id;
            $product_order->product_id       = $product_id;
            $product_order->customer_id      = Auth::user()->id;
            $product_order->customer_address = $customer_address;
            $product_order->quantity         = $data->quantity;
            $product_order->price            = $data->price;
            $product_order->payment          = $payment;
            // Destroy goods in shopping cart
            // Alipay API
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/alipay.config.php' ));
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/lib/alipay_submit.class.php' ));
            // Request parameters
            $payment_type      = "1";                           // Payment type (required, don't modify)
            $notify_url        = route('order.tradeNotify');    // Server asynchronous notification page URL (start with http://, don't use http://localhost/ or add ?id=123)
            $return_url        = route('order.tradeReturn');    // Synchronization notification page URL (start with http://, don't use http://localhost/ or add ?id=123)
            $seller_email      = $seller_alipay;                // Saller Alipay ID (required)
            $out_trade_no      = $order_id;                     // Order ID (required)
            $subject           = $order_name;                   // Order name (required)
            $price             = $payment;                      // Order payment (required)
            $quantity          = "1";                           // Goods quantity (default is 1)
            $logistics_fee     = "0.00";                        // Express payment (required)
            $logistics_type    = "EXPRESS";                     // Express type: EXPRESS, POST or EMS
            $logistics_payment = "SELLER_PAY";                  // Express payment type (require:SELLER_PAY customer pay or BUYER_PAY saller pay)
            $body              = $goods_show;                   // Order describe
            $show_url          = $goods_show;                   // Goods show page (URL start with http://)
            $receive_name      = $customer_name;                // Customer name
            $receive_address   = $customer_address;             // Customer address
            $receive_zip       = NULL;                          // Customer zip (code such as:123456)
            $receive_phone     = NULL;                          // Custome telephone number (such as:0571-88158090)
            $receive_mobile    = $customer_phone;               // Customer mobile phone numer (such as:13312341234)
            // Constructs an array of arguments to request, no need to change
            $parameter = array(
                "service"           => "trade_create_by_buyer",
                "partner"           => trim($alipay_config['partner']),
                "payment_type"      => $payment_type,
                "notify_url"        => $notify_url,
                "return_url"        => $return_url,
                "seller_email"      => $seller_email,
                "out_trade_no"      => $out_trade_no,
                "subject"           => $subject,
                "price"             => $price,
                "quantity"          => $quantity,
                "logistics_fee"     => $logistics_fee,
                "logistics_type"    => $logistics_type,
                "logistics_payment" => $logistics_payment,
                "body"              => $body,
                "show_url"          => $show_url,
                "receive_name"      => $receive_name,
                "receive_address"   => $receive_address,
                "receive_zip"       => $receive_zip,
                "receive_phone"     => $receive_phone,
                "receive_mobile"    => $receive_mobile,
                "_input_charset"    => trim(strtolower($alipay_config['input_charset']))
            // Establish require
            $alipaySubmit = new AlipaySubmit($alipay_config);
            $html_text    = $alipaySubmit->buildRequestForm($parameter,"get", "Payment");
            echo $html_text;
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Action: Payment for order in customer order list
     * @return Response
    public function rePayment()
        $resourceName = 'Order';
        $resource     = 'order';
        // Get all form data.
        $data   = ProductOrder::where('id', Input::get('order_id'))->first();

        if ($data) {
            $product_id                      = $data->product_id;
            $product                         = Product::where('id', $product_id)->first();
            $order_id                        = $data->order_id;
            $seller_id                       = $data->seller_id;
            $seller_alipay                   = User::where('id', $seller_id)->first()->alipay;
            $order_name                      = 'Payment:'.$product->title;
            $payment                         = $data->payment;
            $goods_show                      = 'http://www.example.com/product/'.$product->slug;
            $customer_name                   = Auth::user()->username;
            $customer_address                = $data->customer_address;
            $customer_phone                  = Auth::user()->phone;

            // Alipay API
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/alipay.config.php' ));
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/lib/alipay_submit.class.php' ));
            // Request parameters
            $payment_type      = "1";                           // Payment type (required, don't modify)
            $notify_url        = route('order.tradeNotify');    // Server asynchronous notification page URL (start with http://, don't use http://localhost/ or add ?id=123)
            $return_url        = route('order.tradeReturn');    // Synchronization notification page URL (start with http://, don't use http://localhost/ or add ?id=123)
            $seller_email      = $seller_alipay;                // Saller Alipay ID (required)
            $out_trade_no      = $order_id;                     // Order ID (required)
            $subject           = $order_name;                   // Order name (required)
            $price             = $payment;                      // Order payment (required)
            $quantity          = "1";                           // Goods quantity (default is 1)
            $logistics_fee     = "0.00";                        // Express payment (required)
            $logistics_type    = "EXPRESS";                     // Express type: EXPRESS, POST or EMS
            $logistics_payment = "SELLER_PAY";                  // Express payment type (require:SELLER_PAY customer pay or BUYER_PAY saller pay)
            $body              = $goods_show;                   // Order describe
            $show_url          = $goods_show;                   // Goods show page (URL start with http://)
            $receive_name      = $customer_name;                // Customer name
            $receive_address   = $customer_address;             // Customer address
            $receive_zip       = NULL;                          // Customer zip (code such as:123456)
            $receive_phone     = NULL;                          // Custome telephone number (such as:0571-88158090)
            $receive_mobile    = $customer_phone;               // Customer mobile phone numer (such as:13312341234)
            // Constructs an array of arguments to request, no need to change
            $parameter = array(
                "service"           => "trade_create_by_buyer",
                "partner"           => trim($alipay_config['partner']),
                "payment_type"      => $payment_type,
                "notify_url"        => $notify_url,
                "return_url"        => $return_url,
                "seller_email"      => $seller_email,
                "out_trade_no"      => $out_trade_no,
                "subject"           => $subject,
                "price"             => $price,
                "quantity"          => $quantity,
                "logistics_fee"     => $logistics_fee,
                "logistics_type"    => $logistics_type,
                "logistics_payment" => $logistics_payment,
                "body"              => $body,
                "show_url"          => $show_url,
                "receive_name"      => $receive_name,
                "receive_address"   => $receive_address,
                "receive_zip"       => $receive_zip,
                "receive_phone"     => $receive_phone,
                "receive_mobile"    => $receive_mobile,
                "_input_charset"    => trim(strtolower($alipay_config['input_charset']))
            // Establish require
            $alipaySubmit = new AlipaySubmit($alipay_config);
            $html_text    = $alipaySubmit->buildRequestForm($parameter,"get", "Payment");
            echo $html_text;
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find'.$this->resourceName.'。');


     * Action: Delete customer order
     * @return Response
    public function destroyOrder($id)
        $data = ProductOrder::find($id);
        if (is_null($data))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find'.$this->resourceName.'。');
        elseif ($data)

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', $this->resourceName.'Delete success');
            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', $this->resourceName.'Delete fail');

     * Action: Aplipay trade return
     * @return Response
    public function tradeReturn()
        // Alipay Dualfun API
        require_once( app_path('api/alipay/alipay.config.php' ));
        require_once( app_path('api/alipay/lib/alipay_notify.class.php' ));

        $alipayNotify = new AlipayNotify($alipay_config);
        $verify_result = $alipayNotify->verifyReturn();
        if($verify_result) {

            $out_trade_no = $_GET['out_trade_no'];  // Order ID
            $trade_no     = $_GET['trade_no'];      // Alipay order ID
            $trade_status = $_GET['trade_status'];  // Alipay trade status

            $product_order               = ProductOrder::where('order_id', $out_trade_no)->first();
            $product_order->is_payment   = true;
            $product_order->alipay_trade = $trade_no;
            $product                     = Product::where('id', $product_order->product_id)->first();
            $product->quantity           = $product->quantity - $product_order->quantity;
            return Redirect::route('order.customerOrderDetails', $product_order->id)->with('success', 'Payment success');
        } else {
            return Redirect::route('order.index')->with('error', 'Payment fail');

     * Action: Aplipay trade notify
     * @return Response
    public function tradeNotify()
        require_once( app_path('api/alipay/alipay.config.php' ));
        require_once( app_path('api/alipay/lib/alipay_notify.class.php' ));

        // Get verification result
        $alipayNotify = new AlipayNotify($alipay_config);
        $verify_result = $alipayNotify->verifyNotify();

        if($verify_result) {
            $out_trade_no = $_GET['out_trade_no'];  // Order ID
            $trade_no     = $_GET['trade_no'];      // Alipay order ID
            $trade_status = $_GET['trade_status'];  // Alipay trade status

            $product_order               = ProductOrder::where('order_id', $out_trade_no)->first();
            $product_order->is_payment   = true;
            $product_order->alipay_trade = $trade_no;
            $product                     = Product::where('id', $product_order->product_id)->first();
            $product->quantity           = $product->quantity - $product_order->quantity;
        } else {
            // Verification fail
            return Redirect::route('order.index')->with('error', 'Payment fail');

     * View: Seller order list
     * @return Response
    public function seller()
        // Get sort conditions
        $orderColumn = Input::get('sort_up', Input::get('sort_down', 'created_at'));
        $direction   = Input::get('sort_up') ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
        // Get search conditions
        switch (Input::get('target')) {
            case 'title':
                $title = Input::get('like');
        // Construct query statement
        $trading_order = ProductOrder::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('seller_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('is_payment', 1)->where('is_checkout', 0)->paginate(15);
        $checkout_order  = ProductOrder::orderBy($orderColumn, $direction)->where('seller_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('is_checkout', 1)->paginate(15);
        isset($title) AND $query->where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%");
        $resourceName    = 'Order';
        $resource        = 'order';
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.seller')->with(compact('trading_order', 'checkout_order', 'resourceName', 'resource'));

     * Action: Seller send goods with express
     * @return Response
    public function sendGoods()

        // Get all form data.
        $data   = Input::all();
        $rules  = array(
            'id'     => 'required|',
            'express_name' => 'required',
            'invoice_no'   => 'required',
        // Custom validation message
        $messages = array(
            'express_name.required' => 'Please fill express company name',
            'invoice_no.required'   => 'Please fill express billing number',
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);

        if ($validator->passes()) {
            $product_order               = ProductOrder::find(Input::get('id'));
            $product_order->is_express   = true;
            $product_order->express_name = Input::get('express_name');
            $product_order->invoice_no   = Input::get('invoice_no');

            // Alipay Dualfun API
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/alipay.config.php' ));
            require_once( app_path('api/alipay/lib/alipay_submit.class.php' ));

            $trade_no       = ProductOrder::where('id', Input::get('id'))->first()->alipay_trade; // Alipay trade number (required)
            $logistics_name = Input::get('express_name');   // Express company name (required)
            $invoice_no     = Input::get('invoice_no');     // Express billing number
            $transport_type = "EXPRESS";                    // Express type: POST, EXPRESS or EMS

            // Constructs an array of arguments to request, no need to change
            $parameter = array(
                "service"        => "send_goods_confirm_by_platform",
                "partner"        => trim($alipay_config['partner']),
                "trade_no"       => $trade_no,
                "logistics_name" => $logistics_name,
                "invoice_no"     => $invoice_no,
                "transport_type" => $transport_type,
                "_input_charset" => trim(strtolower($alipay_config['input_charset']))

            // Establish require
            $alipaySubmit = new AlipaySubmit($alipay_config);
            $html_text = $alipaySubmit->buildRequestHttp($parameter);

            $doc = new DOMDocument();

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', '<strong>Send goods success</strong>');
        } else {
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Action: Customer checkout order
     * @return Response
    public function checkout()
        if (Input::get('id')) {
            $product_order               = ProductOrder::find(Input::get('id'));
            $product_order->is_checkout  = true;;
            return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Success, enjoy it!');
        } else {
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Fail');


    // ...


This file should be saved as app/controllers/Admin/ProductCategoriesResource.php


class Admin_ProductResource extends BaseResource
     * Resource view directory
     * @var string
    protected $resourceView = 'admin.product';

     * Model name of the resource, after initialization to a model instance
     * @var string|Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    protected $model = 'Product';

     * Resource identification
     * @var string
    protected $resource = 'product';

     * Resource database tables
     * @var string
    protected $resourceTable = 'products';

     * Resource name
     * @var string
    protected $resourceName = 'Goods';

     * Custom validation message
     * @var array
    protected $validatorMessages = array(
        'title.required'        => 'Please fill goods name',
        'price.required'        => 'Please fill goods price',
        'price.numeric'         => 'Goods price must be a number',
        'quantity.required'     => 'Please fill quantity of goods',
        'quantity.integer'      => 'Quantity of good must be a integer',
        'province.required'     => 'Please select province and city',
        'content.required'      => 'Please fill content of goods',
        'category.exists'       => 'Please select a category of this goods',

     * Resource list view
     * GET         /resource
     * @return Response
    public function index()
        // Get sort conditions
        $orderColumn = Input::get('sort_up', Input::get('sort_down', 'created_at'));
        $direction   = Input::get('sort_up') ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
        // Get search conditions
        switch (Input::get('target')) {
            case 'title':
                $title = Input::get('like');
        // Construct query statement
        $query = $this->model->orderBy($orderColumn, $direction);
        isset($title) AND $query->where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%");
        $datas = $query->paginate(15);
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.index')->with(compact('datas'));

     * Resource create view
     * GET         /resource/create
     * @return Response
    public function create()
            return Redirect::route('account.settings')
                    ->with('info', 'Notice: you neet to set Alipay account befor salle goods at here');
        } else {
            $categoryLists = ProductCategories::lists('name', 'id');
            return View::make($this->resourceView.'.create')->with(compact('categoryLists'));

     * Resource create action
     * POST        /resource
     * @return Response
    public function store()
        // Get all form data.
        $data   = Input::all();
        // Create validation rules
        $unique = $this->unique();
        $rules  = array(
            'title'        => 'required|'.$unique,
            'price'        => 'required|numeric',
            'quantity'     => 'required|integer',
            'content'      => 'required',
            'category'     => 'exists:product_categories,id',
            'province'     => 'required',
        $slug      = Input::input('title');
        $hashslug  = date('H.i.s').'-'.md5($slug).'.html';
        // Custom validation message
        $messages  = $this->validatorMessages;
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
        if ($validator->passes()) {
            // Verification success
            // Add recource
            $model                   = $this->model;
            $model->user_id          = Auth::user()->id;
            $model->category_id      = $data['category'];
            $model->title            = e($data['title']);
            $model->province         = e($data['province']);
            $model->city             = e($data['city']);
            $model->price            = e($data['price']);
            $model->quantity         = e($data['quantity']);
            $model->slug             = $hashslug;
            $model->content          = e($data['content']);
            $model->meta_title       = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_description = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_keywords    = e($data['title']);

            if ($model->save()) {
                // Add success
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('success', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'post success</strong>');
            } else {
                // Add fail
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('error', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'post fail</strong>');
        } else {
            // Verification fail
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Resource edit view
     * GET         /resource/{id}/edit
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function edit($id)
        $data          = $this->model->find($id);
        $categoryLists = ProductCategories::lists('name', 'id');
        $product       = Product::where('slug', $data->slug)->first();
        return View::make($this->resourceView.'.edit')->with(compact('data', 'categoryLists', 'product'));

     * Resource edit action
     * PUT/PATCH   /resource/{id}
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function update($id)
        // Get all form data.
        $data = Input::all();
        // Create validation rules
        $rules  = array(
            'title'        => 'required',
            'content'      => 'required',
            'slug'         => 'required|'.$this->unique('slug', $id),
            'category'     => 'exists:product_categories,id',
            'province'     => 'required',
        $model = $this->model->find($id);
        $oldSlug = $model->slug;
        // Custom validation message
        $messages = $this->validatorMessages;
        // Begin verification
        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
        if ($validator->passes()) {

            // Verification success
            // Update resource
            $model = $this->model->find($id);
            $model->user_id          = Auth::user()->id;
            $model->category_id      = $data['category'];
            $model->title            = e($data['title']);
            $model->province         = e($data['province']);
            $model->city             = e($data['city']);
            $model->slug             = e($data['slug']);
            $model->content          = e($data['content']);
            $model->meta_title       = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_description = e($data['title']);
            $model->meta_keywords    = e($data['title']);

            if ($model->save()) {
                // Update success
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('success', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'update success</strong>');
            } else {
                // Update fail
                return Redirect::back()
                    ->with('error', '<strong>'.$this->resourceName.'update fail</strong>');
        } else {
            // Verification fail
            return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator);

     * Resource destory action
     * DELETE      /resource/{id}
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return Response
    public function destroy($id)
        $data = $this->model->find($id);
        if (is_null($data))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find '.$this->resourceName.'。');
        elseif ($data)
            $model      = $this->model->find($id);
            $thumbnails = $model->thumbnails;
            return Redirect::back()->with('success', $this->resourceName.'Delete success');
            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', $this->resourceName.'Delete fail');

     * Action: Add resource images
     * @return Response
    public function postUpload($id)
        $input = Input::all();
        $rules = array(
            'file' => 'image|max:3000',

        $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules);

        if ($validation->fails())
            return Response::make($validation->errors->first(), 400);

        $file                = Input::file('file');
        $destinationPath     = 'uploads/products/';
        $ext                 = $file->guessClientExtension();  // Get real extension according to mime type
        $fullname            = $file->getClientOriginalName(); // Client file name, including the extension of the client
        $hashname            = date('H.i.s').'-'.md5($fullname).'.'.$ext; // Hash processed file name, including the real extension
        $picture             = Image::make($file->getRealPath());
        // crop the best fitting ratio and resize image
        $picture->fit(1024, 683)->save(public_path($destinationPath.$hashname));
        $picture->fit(585, 347)->save(public_path('uploads/product_thumbnails/'.$hashname));

        $model               = $this->model->find($id);
        $oldThumbnails       = $model->thumbnails;
        $model->thumbnails   = $hashname;


        $models              = new ProductPictures;
        $models->filename    = $hashname;
        $models->product_id = $id;
        $models->user_id     = Auth::user()->id;

        if( $models->save() ) {
           return Response::json('success', 200);
        } else {
           return Response::json('error', 400);

     * Action: Delete resource images
     * @return Response
    public function deleteUpload($id)
        // Only allows you to share pictures on the cover of the current resource being deleted
        $filename = ProductPictures::where('id', $id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
        $oldImage = $filename->filename;

        if (is_null($filename))
            return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Can\'t find picture');
        elseif ($filename->delete()) {

            return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Delete success');

            return Redirect::back()->with('warning', 'Delete fail');

    // ...

Exit mobile version