Wiki Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable, yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file. OS X .apmrc config located in ~/.atom/.apmrc My Packages…
Use GPG to Encrypt and Sign Messages
Wiki GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) is a free software replacement for Symantec's PGP cryptographic software suite. GnuPG is compliant with RFC 4880, which is the IETF standards track specification of OpenPGP. Modern versions of PGP and Veridis' Filecrypt…
LaTeX with Sublime Text and Skim on Mac
Wiki LaTeX is a word processor and document markup language. It is distinguished by typical word processors such as Microsoft Office and OpenOffice in that the writer uses plain text as opposed to formatted text, relying on markup tagging conventions…
Sublime Text Plugin - HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code. It uses a set of nice beautifier scripts made by Einar Lielmanis. The formatters are written in JavaScript, so…