Integration Proteus and Keil

Proteus PCB design combines the ISIS schematic capture and ARES PCB layout programs to provide a powerful, integrated and easy to use suite of tools for professional PCB Design.

All Proteus PCB design products include an integrated shape based autorouter and a basic SPICE simulation capability as standard. More advanced routing modes are included in Proteus PCB Design Level 2 and higher whilst simulation capabilities can be enhanced by purchasing the Advanced Simulation option and/or micro-controller simulation capabilities.

If the learning and use of microcontroller, in addition to other flexible application Protel schematic and PCB diagram drawn outside, then the Keil C51 software should be mastered, we want to use it to write and debug microcontroller program. Keil C51 microcontroller application development software is one of many excellent software, which combines edit, compile, in one simulation support assembly, PLM language and C language programming, user-friendly, easy to use. Here's three questions were introduced.

  • Proteus

Get Started

Double-click on the desktop icon or ISIS 7 Professional the bottom left of the screen, click the "Start" → "Programs" → "Proteus 7 Professional" → "ISIS 7 Professional", and then entered the Proteus ISIS integrated environment.

Working Interface

Proteus ISIS working interface is a standard Windows interface, including: the title bar, the main menu, standard toolbar, the Drawing toolbar, status bar, object selection button to preview the object orientation control buttons, the simulation process control buttons, the preview window, object Selector window graphics editing window.

Example Design

The required components added to the object selection window. Picking Components into the Schematic click the object selector button.

Pop "Pick Devices" page, in the "Keywords" enter AT89C, the system in the object library search find, and search results are displayed in the "Results" .

In the "Results" column of the list of items, double-click "AT89C52", can be "AT89C52" added to the object selection window.

Then, in "Keywords" field to re-enter LED. Double-click the "LED-BLUE", can be "LED-BLUE" (LED digital tube) added to the object selector window, using the same method, the 10WATT470R resistance added to the object selection window.

After the above operation, the object selection window, has been a AT89C52, LED-BLUE, 10WATT470R three components object, if click AT89C52, in the preview window, to see the physical map of AT89C51, click the other two devices , can browse to the physical map. At this point, we have noticed that the components in the drawing toolbar button is selected.

Place components to the graphic editor window Placing Components onto the Schematic

In the Object Selection window, select the AT89C52, the mouse over the object graphics editing window To put location, click the left mouse button, the object is placed finish, shown in Figure 1-6. . Similarly, the LED-BLUE and 10WATT470R placed into the graphics editor window.

If you need to move the position of the object, move your mouse over the object, click the right mouse button, then we have already noted, the object's color has changed to red, indicating that the object has been selected, press the left mouse button, drag mouse, the object to a new location, release the mouse to complete the move operation.
Place bus to the graphics editor window.

Click the Drawing button on the toolbar of the bus, so that is selected. Mouseover graphics editor window, click the left mouse button to determine the starting position of the bus; moving the mouse, the screen appears fine pink line, find the end of the bus location, click the left mouse button, and then click the right mouse button to to confirm and exit the painting bus operation. Thereafter, pink thin blue line is replaced by coarse straight,

Connections between components Wiring Up Components on the Schematic

Proteus intelligence can draw the line when you want to be automatically detected. Below, we manipulate the upper end of the resistor R1 is connected to the lower end of D1 digital tube. When the mouse pointer near the top of the connection point R1, followed by the mouse pointer will appear a "×" number that found a connection point R1, click the left mouse button, move the mouse (without dragging the mouse), the mouse the lower end of the pointer near the D1 connection point, the mouse pointer will appear to follow a "×" number that found a connection point D1, appeared on the screen while the pink connection, click the left mouse button, pink connecting line became dark green, then to complete this connection.
Proteus has a line automatic path functions (referred WAR), was elected in the two connection points, WAR will select an appropriate path connections. WAR by using standard toolbar "WAR" command button to turn on or off, you can also menu bar "Tools" found under the icon.

Similarly, we can complete other connections. At any time during this process, you can press the ESC key or click the right mouse button to draw lines to give up.

Components connected to the bus. Click the Drawing toolbar Wire Labels button, so that is selected. Place the cursor on the element graphical editing window at one end, move the mouse, and then connected to the bus, and then move the mouse in the device connected to the bus line to a certain point, there will be a "×" number, as shown.

Showed marked wires that can be found, click the left mouse button to bring up the Edit Wire Label window. In the "string" field, enter the label name and click "OK" button, the end of the wire label calibration. Similarly, other leads can mark labels, complete the connection. Note that, in the calibration process of conductor pins, each of the conductors must be marked on the same label name. We know that, with the same reference numerals are electrically connected, which is in protel schematic drawing when was especially evident.

So far, we have completed the entire schematic drawing.

  • Keil

Double-click on the desktop icon or Keil uVision2 the bottom left of the screen, click the "Start" → "Programs" → "Keil uVision2", then entered the Keil uVision2 integrated environment.

Working interface

Keil uVision2 working interface is a standard Windows interface, including: the title bar, the main menu, standard toolbar, the code window, etc.

  • Keil & Proteus Debug

If Keil C51 and Proteus are properly installed in the C:\Program Files directory where the C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 8 Professional\MODELS\VDM51.dll copied to the C:\Program Files\keilC\C51\BIN directory, if there is no "VDM51.dll" file, you can download from here.

Use Notepad to open C:\Program Files\keilC\C51\TOOLS.INI documents in [C51] section is added:

TDRV5 = BIN \ VDM51.DLL ("Proteus VSM Monitor-51 Driver")

Where "TDRVX" in the "X" to write to the actual situation, don't duplicate the original.

  • Keil Configuration

Click the "Project Menu / Options for Target" option or click on the toolbar "option for ta rget" button, pop-up window, click the "Debug" button.

In the dialog box that appears in the upper right-hand column drop-down menu select "Proteus VSM Monitor a 51 Driver". And also click "Use" show in front of the selected small dots.

Then click "Setting" button to set the communication interface, in "Host" later added "", if you are not using the same computer, you need to add here another computer's IP address (another computer should also be install Proteus). In the "Port" added after "8000." Set a good case as shown, then click the "OK" button. Finally, the project compiled into debug state, and running. Once configured, please re-compile, link, generate an executable file.

  • Proteus Configuration

Into the Proteus ISIS, left mouse button click on the menu "Debug", select "use romote debuger monitor", thereafter, can be realized Keil connection with Proteus debugging.

Proteus Official Website
Keil Official Website
Download Proteus V8.0 SP1
Download Keil C51 V9.00

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