Insertion sort is another common sorting algorithm. To explain how it works, try to imagine this. There’s a couple of cards on the table and you want to sort them in a correct order. You will pick a card from the table (based on any criteria, it doesn’t really matter, you can just pick the cards up randomly) and put it in your left hand at a correct position. To determine the correct position, you will compare it with every other card in your left hand starting from the right. This is a similar algorithm you might unconsciously use when playing cards with your friends.
<?php $table = array(7, 3, 9, 6, 5, 1, 2, 0, 8, 4); $leftHand = insertionSort($table); var_dump($leftHand); function insertionSort(array $table) { $leftHand = array(); foreach ($table as $card) { if (0 === count($leftHand)) { $leftHand[] = $card; } else { $insertedCard = false; $reindexedLeftHand = array(); for ($i = count($leftHand)-1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($card >= $leftHand[$i]) { for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; ++$j) { $reindexedLeftHand[$j] = $leftHand[$j]; } $reindexedLeftHand[] = $card; for ($j = $i+1; $j < count($leftHand); ++$j) { $reindexedLeftHand[$j+1] = $leftHand[$j]; } $insertedCard = true; break; } } if (false === $insertedCard) { $reindexedLeftHand[] = $card; foreach ($leftHand as $cardInLeftHand) { $reindexedLeftHand[] = $cardInLeftHand; } } $leftHand = $reindexedLeftHand; } } return $leftHand; }
Will result in
array(10) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(2) [3]=> int(3) [4]=> int(4) [5]=> int(5) [6]=> int(6) [7]=> int(7) [8]=> int(8) [9]=> int(9) }