Today, I got Error: SHA256 mismatch when update php
==> Upgrading php55 ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% Error: SHA256 mismatch Expected: 60e14c255f2a461a7a26639b84a2fc448cc2f91c8dead0e9fd00cd8ba27a2e96 Actual: be28ddc5b7276c3b39d645d2df09ab44f07ec9103c77c5a9b710be30bfc3c9fc Archive: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/php55-5.5.11 To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
Download link appears to be an error, editing the download URL to use a
instead of
in this file (around line 60):
modify like this
module Php55Defs PHP_SRC_TARBALL = '' PHP_GITHUB_URL = '' PHP_VERSION = '5.5.11' PHP_BRANCH = 'PHP-5.5' PHP_CHECKSUM = { :md5 => 'c8c9ad960bae0265054b5879423f7a75', :sha1 => '58d660e5455b3f2abdfe3205182ffe3a58b5d1cd', :sha256 => '60e14c255f2a461a7a26639b84a2fc448cc2f91c8dead0e9fd00cd8ba27a2e96', } end