Install Avira Antivirus on Windows Server


Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG is a German multinational and family-owned antivirus software company that provides IT-security for computers, smartphones, servers and networks – delivered as both software and cloud-based services.

Avira's headquarters are located near Lake Constance, in Tettnang, Germany, and the company has additional European offices in Munich, Bucharest, and the Netherlands. Avira also has offices in Japan and China, as well as an R&D facility in the USA's Silicon Valley.

With an estimated 9.6% of global market share according to OPSWAT, and over 100 million customers, Avira was considered the sixth largest antivirus vendor in 2012.

The company supports the Auerbach Stiftung, a foundation created by the company's founder, Tjark Auerbach. It promotes charitable and social projects as well as the arts, culture and science.

Official Website

Here is steps

  • Download Avira Antivirus from official website.
  • Download (48KB) from Google Drive, and extract the zip file.
  • Run disable-avira-toolbar.reg → OK.
  • Extract Avira Antivirus setup installer file to a floder and run presetup.exe in it, will prompt can't install in a server, then quit (This step is necessary).
  • Run Verset.exe, choose Microsoft Windows XP compatible and use setup.exe in Avira Antivirus setup floder to install.
  • Update, and that's it!
MD5     : bbfe016fab214d7c33843cede8b76741
SHA1    : f10d648c436541fa1d97ed39f9ab91f3e3d673e4
Update  : Dec 3nd, 2014
5.00 avg. rating (97% score) - 1 vote