When the iOS language is set to English, Chinese contacts will no longer be in alphabetical order, the index all go to #
Clone lexrus/PhoneticContacts project
$ git clone https://github.com/lexrus/PhoneticContacts.git
or download zip from GitHub and you will get a PhoneticContacts floder. Open PhoneticContacts.xcodeproj
file with Xcode on your Mac. Click "Build and then run current scheme" button. If you see Build Succsess
, that means batch processing is completed, the speed is quite fast, open Contacts.app and use iCloud synchronized to iPhone.
I place an order iPhone 5s A1530 32GB silver case on Apple Store website at Jul 1st 2015. Logistics company is China EMS.
Logistics Package
My Xiaomi Redmi 1 and iPhone 5s