Last week I create a Go language spreadsheet document library named Excelize. Sometimes we want to generate a spreadsheet document (XLSX / XLSM / XLTM) without Excel application, .Net or Java applications, according to assessment of some popular open-source library,…
WebSocket Server Go Implementation
In 2001, C10k problem are raised, there are already many ways to solve this problem. In this post, I will implement related problem to create a WebSocket server by Go. A WebSocket server is a TCP application listening on any…
LRU and LFU Cache Algorithms
Least Recently Used (LRU) Discards the least recently used items first. This algorithm requires keeping track of what was used when, which is expensive if one wants to make sure the algorithm always discards the least recently used item. General…
Disjoint-set Forests Go Implementation
Disjoint-set Disjoint-set data structure also called a union–find data structure or merge–find set. It maintains a collection of disjoint dynamic sets. We identify each set by a , which is some member of the set. In some applications, it doesn't…