The use of fewer plug-ins, but it allows users to fully experience the theme of the function is really good theme, which is all the theme designer should consider. By default WordPress flip page function is very weak, therefore, similar…
Creating a GitHub Pages Blog With Octopress on Ubuntu
GitHub Pages are public webpages freely hosted and easily published through our site. You can publish online using the Automatic Page Generator. If you prefer to work locally you can use the GitHub for Mac and Windows apps, or the…
WordPress No input file specified Error Occurred Solution
The error occurs because In the GoDaddy linux virtual host No input file specified error occurred because php.ini default cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0, causing not recognized pathinfo. Generally appear in yii, ThinkPHP and other MVC framework, and WordPress,the use index.php as…
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud offers a full spectrum of professional tools for design, photography, web and video. Adobe Press will help you master all the essentials with books and videos from our acclaimed series and industry experts. Adobe Official Website…