Introduction A "LAMP" stack is a group of open source software that is typically installed together to enable a server to host dynamic websites and web apps. This term is actually an acronym which represents the Linux operating system, with…
Installation WAMP ( Apache, MySQL, PHP ) on Microsoft Windows
WAMPs are packages of independently created programs installed on computers that use a Microsoft Windows operating system. WAMP (computing) is an acronym formed from the initials of the operating system Microsoft Windows and the principal components of the package: Apache,…
WampServer Local Installation WordPress
WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases. WampServer Official Website WordPress is a free and open…
Site Construction [Chinese Simplified]
网站前台编写 一、概述 随着 Web 2.0概念的普及和 W3C 组织的推广,网站重构的影响力正以惊人的速度增长。 XHTML + CSS 布局,DHTML 和 Ajax 像一阵旋风,铺天盖地席卷而来,包括新浪,搜狐,网易,腾讯,淘宝等在内的各种规模的 IT 企业都对自己的网站进行了重构。 网站进行重构原因 优化 - 根据 W3C 标准进行重构后,可以让前端的代码组织更有序,显著改善网站的性能,提高网站访问速度,还能提高可维护性,对搜索引擎也更友好; 加速 - 重构后的网站能带来更好的用户体验,用 XHTML + CSS 重新布局后的页面,文件更小,下载速度更快。 目的 - 重构的本质是构建一个前端灵活的 MVC 框架,即 HTML 作为信息模型(Model),CSS控制样式(View),JavaScript 负责调度数据和实现某种展现逻辑(Controller)。 同时,代码需要具有很好的复用性和可维护性。这是高效率,高质量开发以及协作开发的基础。 DHTML 可以让用户的操作更炫,更吸引眼球;Ajax…