Wiki Print2Flash lets you easily convert any printable document (e.g. Microsoft Word, or Excel, or PowerPoint document) to an Adobe ® Flash ® file (file with SWF extension). This file can be shared with users who don't have the software…
Install Oracle Database 12c on Windows
Wiki The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Official Website Download Link Operating System Version : Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit…
Make a DSDT and SSDT
Wiki The DSDT (Differentiated System Description Table) is the main table in the ACPI part of a computer's BIOS. The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) defines a large number of tables that provide the interface between an ACPI-compliant operating…
FastStone Capture - A Powerful Windows Screen Capture Tool
FastStone Capture is a powerful, flexible and intuitive screen-capture utility. It allows you to capture anything on the screen including windows, objects, full screen, rectangle regions, freehand-selected regions and scrolling windows/web pages. It has innovative features such as a floating…