If you want to use Goagent, and you are using Ubuntu operating system now. If your using OS X operating system, please refer to Installing GoAgent on OS X.
Try these steps:
Get Goagent
Download GoAgent 3.2.3.zip from Google Drive.
Filename : GoAgent 3.2.3.zip Version : 3.2.3 MD5 : 8e7a9e7472843a731eb2675598cb4627 SHA : 4d6a9d8aae96ea666778c011f90d90e4711c967c
Install Goagent(make sure you have installed python on your Ubuntu)
Install gevent:
$ sudo apt-get install python-gevent
Upload your appid:
$ python /path/to/goagent/server/uploader.zip
If you don't have it, please check this Install Guide page: code.google.com/p/goagent/wiki/InstallGuide
Add extension on your browsers
Add Proxy SwitchyOmega addon in Chrome or FoxyProxy in Firefox.
Slove "the site's security certificate is not trusted" error when try to visit HTTPS site
$ sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools
Importing CA to system
$ certutil -d sql:~/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "goagent" -i /path/to/goagent/local/CA.crt
Run GoAgent just use python command to start it:
$ python /path/to/goagent/local/proxy.py
Do everything you want :)