Installing GoAgent on Ubuntu

If you want to use Goagent, and you are using Ubuntu operating system now. If your using OS X operating system, please refer to Installing GoAgent on OS X.

Try these steps:

Get Goagent

Download GoAgent from Google Drive.

Filename    : GoAgent
Version     : 3.2.3
MD5         : 8e7a9e7472843a731eb2675598cb4627
SHA         : 4d6a9d8aae96ea666778c011f90d90e4711c967c

Install Goagent(make sure you have installed python on your Ubuntu)

Install gevent:

$ sudo apt-get install python-gevent

Upload your appid:

$ python /path/to/goagent/server/

If you don't have it, please check this Install Guide page:

Add extension on your browsers

Add Proxy SwitchyOmega addon in Chrome or FoxyProxy in Firefox.

Slove "the site's security certificate is not trusted" error when try to visit HTTPS site

$ sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools

Importing CA to system

$ certutil -d sql:~/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "goagent" -i /path/to/goagent/local/CA.crt

Run GoAgent just use python command to start it:

$ python /path/to/goagent/local/

Do everything you want :)

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