Markdown is probably the easiest markup format to get started using. The specific flavor of Markdown that Gouda uses is Pandoc-Markdown. Here’s a quick example of some pandoc-markdown-formatted text: first as the source you’d put into your file, then rendered as html.
Markdown provides two ways (Setext and Atx) to display the title.
- Syntax
Setext Mode Title 1 ================= Title 2 ----------------- Atx Mode # Title 1 ## Title 2 ###### Title 6
- Result
Setext Mode
Title 1
Title 2
Atx Mode
Title 1
Title 2
Title 6
Use two or more spaces at the end of the text to indicate line breaks.
Use the line >
with a space indicates that the referenced paragraph, can be nested inside multiple references.
Unordered list using *
, +
or -
followed by a space to represent.
- Syntax
* Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 + Item 1 + Item 2 + Item 3 - Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3
- Result
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Ordered list using a digital representation spaces plus English period.
- Syntax
1. Item 1 2. Item 2 3. Item 3
- Result
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Code Area
The lines using a backslash `
Code plus four paragraphs is an indented spaces or symbols in front of each line of text representation.
Markdown use \*
or \_
- Syntax
Single asterisk = *italic* Single underscore = _italic_ Double asterisk = **bold** Double-underlined = __bold__
- Result
Single asterisk =italic
Single underscore = italic
Double asterisk = bold
Double-underlined = bold
Markdown supports two styles of links: Inline and Reference.
Inline: to link the text shown in parenthesis mark, followed by parentheses enclosing links. If the link has a title attribute, use the empty box "title attribute" in the link.
Reference: generally applied to many different locations using the same link. Usually divided into two parts, calling part of the [link text] [ref]
; definition section may appear elsewhere in the text, in the format [ref]: http://some/link/address (optional title)
Note that ref is not case sensitive.
This is a Inline [Example]( "Optional Title")。 This is a Reference [Example][ref]。 [ref]:
This is a Inline Example
This is a Reference Example
Pictures and links to use essentially similar, just in front of the brackets and exclamation mark.
Note that Markdown does not set the picture size, if you have set, you should use HTML <img> tag.
- Automatic Link
Using angle brackets, you can automatically create a link to enter the URL or mailbox. If
Use in a row of three or more *
, or _
You can add dividers, which can be blank, but can not have other characters.
The escape character
Markdown escape character is \
, may have escaped
\\ Backslash
\` Backticks
\* Asterisk
\_ Underscore
In parentheses
\# Pound sign
\+ Plus
\- Minus
\. English period
\! Exclamation point
Markdown Syntax considerably reduced the cost of editing, but in writing this article, they also found some support for the Chinese mark does not seem perfect, although these defects can be inserted directly into the HTML code to solve (but do not at all not pretty). Overall, the ability to use the command line mode in the offline state writing or very interesting, compared to online writing mode energy can be more focused.