Install Trim Enabler for Mac
Trim Enabler is the first and safest utility for enabling Trim in Mac OS X. With the flip of a switch you can improve the speed and longevity of your Solid State Drive
Download from Cindori Software Official Website
OS X 10.10.4 Supports TRIM for Third-Party SSD Hard Drives. Called trimforce, the utility can be executed from the OS X terminal, and it requires a reboot to start working. TRIM is a system-level command that allows the operating system and the drive to communicate about which areas of the drive are considered unused and thus ready to be erased and rewritten to. In the absence of TRIM, users can see significantly slower drive writes as the drive begins to fill up. Most modern operating systems support TRIM but for Apple's OS X, it has only included support for its OEM SSDs. This means that Mac users looking to install an after-market SSD in a machine originally intended for spinning disc hard drives would run into trouble without the help of other third-party tools.
To enable TRIM, a user just has to type sudo trimforce enable
into the Terminal window. Ars Technica points out that running TRIM prompts a "scary" message from the system, but notes it's largely because each SSD implements TRIM in a different way, with older disks sometimes acting in a way OS X would not expect.
Turn off virtual memory on Mac
Advised to turn off the system's virtual memory (Swap), avoid frequent writes. Turn off the system swap can also improve performance.
View the virtual memory currently in use:
$ sysctl vm.swapusage vm.swapusage: total = 512.00M used = 0.00M free = 512.00M (encrypted)
After closing the virtual memory system that retains those used for virtual memory swap file can be deleted.
$ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ $ sudo rm /private/var/vm/swapfile*
If the system is found to be unstable, then re-open the virtual memory:
$ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Mac notebooks: About the Sudden Motion Sensor
If you install the SSD in the HDD hard drive location, you can turn off hard disks sensor. This is to prepare for the HDD, the purpose is to shut down the hard drive when the notebook to vibration monitoring to protect the data, for the SSD, this is not required.
To disable the Sudden Motion Sensor in Mac OS X v10.4 and later:
$ sudo pmset -a sms 0
To re-enable the Sudden Motion Sensor in Mac OS X 10.4 and later:
$ sudo pmset -a sms 1