
Remove the index.php in ThinkPHP

For example, your original path is http://localhost/test/index.php/index/add, and you want to it like this http://localhost/test/index/add. Configure Apache Make sure that httpd.conf configuration file loaded mod_rewrite.so module, uncommented: # LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so Modify AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All Configure ThinkPHP Make…

Add Social Links Buttons for Octopress

My Octopress theme is Slash, Slash is a clean one-column theme designed for Octopress, supporting all features in classic theme and built-in Fancybox. Slash Author Website zespia.tw/Octopress-Theme-Slash Install $ cd octopress $ git clone git://github.com/tommy351/Octopress-Theme-Slash.git .themes/slash $ rake install['slash'] $…

Find the Beautiful Answer

search.xuri.me Find the Beautiful Answer - few features, just simple and practical. Basic Functions Combination of the two Baidu and Google search engine, you can selectively switch the keyword search. Google search using the original Google server in Beijing, not jump…

Markdown Example

Wiki Markdown is probably the easiest markup format to get started using. The specific flavor of Markdown that Gouda uses is Pandoc-Markdown. Here’s a quick example of some pandoc-markdown-formatted text: first as the source you’d put into your file, then…