Contributing to Excelize
The Microsoft Excel™ 2007 release supports the XML-based document format OOXML (Office Open XML), a new document format based on XML and ZIP technologies. The following is a list of reference materials that include document standards, document validation comparison tools, and browser plug-ins to develop a format that conforms to this document.
- Standard ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats
- Structure of a SpreadsheetML document (Open XML SDK)
- Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office (only works on the Windows)
- Standards Support
- Google Chrome Extensions: OOXML Tools
- [MS-OFFCRYPTO]: Office Document Cryptography Structure Specification
Document Translation
The documentation is built on GitBook in the format of Markdown and is welcome to participate in the translation. Documentation repository:
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Use the commands below to provide key information from your environment: You do NOT have to include this information if this is a FEATURE REQUEST
Briefly describe the problem you are having in a few paragraphs.
Steps to reproduce the issue: 1. 2. 3.
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Output of go version
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Excelize version or commit ID:
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Environment details (OS, Microsoft Excel™ version, physical, etc.):