Alignment directly maps the alignment settings of the cells.
type Alignment struct {
Horizontal string
Indent int
JustifyLastLine bool
ReadingOrder uint64
RelativeIndent int
ShrinkToFit bool
TextRotation int
Vertical string
WrapText bool
Border directly maps the border settings of the cells.
type Border struct {
Type string
Color string
Style int
Font directly maps the font settings of the fonts.
type Font struct {
Bold bool
Italic bool
Underline string
Family string
Size float64
Strike bool
Color string
ColorIndexed int
ColorTheme *int
ColorTint float64
VertAlign string
Fill directly maps the fill settings of the cells.
type Fill struct {
Type string
Pattern int
Color []string
Shading int
Protection directly maps the protection settings of the cells.
type Protection struct {
Hidden bool
Locked bool
Style directly maps the style settings of the cells.
type Style struct {
Border []Border
Fill Fill
Font *Font
Alignment *Alignment
Protection *Protection
NumFmt int
DecimalPlaces int
CustomNumFmt *string
NegRed bool
Create style
func (f *File) NewStyle(style *Style) (int, error)
NewStyle provides a function to create the style for cells by a given style options, and returns style index. The same style index can not be used across different workbook. This function is concurrency safe. Note that the Font.Color
field uses an RGB color represented in RRGGBB
hexadecimal notation.
The following table shows the border types used in Border.Type
supported by excelize:
Type | Description | Type | Description |
left | Left border | top | Top border |
right | Right border | bottom | Bottom border |
diagonalDown | Diagonal down border | diagonalUp | Diagonal up border |
The following table shows the border styles used in Border.Style
supported by excelize index number:
Index | Style | Line | Preview |
0 | None | 0 | |
1 | Continuous | 1 | ![]() |
2 | Continuous | 2 | ![]() |
3 | Dash | 1 | ![]() |
4 | Dot | 1 | ![]() |
5 | Continuous | 3 | ![]() |
6 | Double | 3 | ![]() |
7 | Continuous | 0 | ![]() |
8 | Dash | 2 | ![]() |
9 | Dash Dot | 1 | ![]() |
10 | Dash Dot | 2 | ![]() |
11 | Dash Dot Dot | 1 | ![]() |
12 | Dash Dot Dot | 2 | ![]() |
13 | SlantDash Dot | 2 | ![]() |
The following table shows the border styles used in Border.Style
in the order shown in the Excel dialog:
Index | Preview | Index | Preview |
0 | 12 | ![]() |
7 | ![]() |
13 | ![]() |
4 | ![]() |
10 | ![]() |
11 | ![]() |
8 | ![]() |
9 | ![]() |
2 | ![]() |
3 | ![]() |
5 | ![]() |
1 | ![]() |
6 | ![]() |
Color fill
The following table shows the shading styles used in Fill.Shading
supported by excelize index number:
Index | Style | Index | Style |
0 | Horizontal | 3 | Diagonal down |
1 | Vertical | 4 | From corner |
2 | Diagonal Up | 5 | From center |
Pattern fill
The following table shows the pattern styles used in Fill.Pattern
supported by excelize index number:
Index | Style | Index | Style |
0 | None | 10 | ![]() |
1 | ![]() |
11 | ![]() |
2 | ![]() |
12 | ![]() |
3 | ![]() |
13 | ![]() |
4 | ![]() |
14 | ![]() |
5 | ![]() |
15 | ![]() |
6 | ![]() |
16 | ![]() |
7 | ![]() |
17 | ![]() |
8 | ![]() |
18 | ![]() |
9 | ![]() |
The Indent
is an integer value, where an increment of 1 represents 3 spaces. Indicates the number of spaces (of the normal style font) of indentation for text in a cell. The number of spaces to indent is calculated as following:
Number of spaces to indent = indent value * 3
For example, an indent value of 1 means that the text begins 3 space widths (of the normal style font) from the edge of the cell. Note: The width of one space character is defined by the font. Only left, right, and distributed horizontal alignments are supported.
Horizontal alignment
The following table shows the type of cells' horizontal alignment used in Alignment.Horizontal
Type | Style |
left | Left (indented) |
center | Centered |
right | Right (indented) |
fill | Filling |
justify | Justified |
centerContinuous | Cross-column centered |
distributed | Decentralized alignment (indented) |
Vertical alignment
The following table shows the type of cells' vertical alignment used in Alignment.Vertical
Type | Style |
top | Top alignment |
center | Centered |
justify | Justified |
distributed | Decentralized alignment |
Reading order
is an uint64 value indicating whether the reading order of the cell is left-to-right, right-to-left, or context dependent. the valid value of this field was:
Value | Description |
0 | Context Dependent - reading order is determined by scanning the text for the first non-whitespace character: if it is a strong right-to-left character, the reading order is right-to-left; otherwise, the reading order left-to-right. |
1 | Left-to-Right: reading order is left-to-right in the cell, as in English. |
2 | Right-to-Left: reading order is right-to-left in the cell, as in Hebrew. |
Relative indent
is an integer value to indicate the additional number of spaces of indentation to adjust for text in a cell.
Font underline
The following table shows the type of font underline style used in Font.Underline
Type | Style |
single | Single line |
double | Double line |
Number format
Excel's built-in all languages formats (the Style.NumFmt
field) are shown in the following table:
Index | Type |
0 | General |
1 | 0 |
2 | 0.00 |
3 | #,##0 |
4 | #,##0.00 |
5 | ($#,##0_);($#,##0) |
6 | ($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0) |
7 | ($#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) |
8 | ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) |
9 | 0% |
10 | 0.00% |
11 | 0.00E+00 |
12 | # ?/? |
13 | # ??/?? |
14 | mm-dd-yy |
15 | d-mmm-yy |
16 | d-mmm |
17 | mmm-yy |
18 | h:mm AM/PM |
19 | h:mm:ss AM/PM |
20 | h:mm |
21 | h:mm:ss |
22 | m/d/yy h:mm |
... | ... |
37 | (#,##0_);(#,##0) |
38 | (#,##0_);[Red](#,##0) |
39 | (#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) |
40 | (#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00) |
41 | _(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_) |
42 | _($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_) |
43 | _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) |
44 | _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_) |
45 | mm:ss |
46 | [h]:mm:ss |
47 | mm:ss.0 |
48 | ##0.0E+0 |
49 | @ |
Traditional Chinese number format
Number format code in zh-tw
Index | Type |
27 | [$-404]e/m/d |
28 | [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日" |
29 | [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日" |
30 | m/d/yy |
31 | yyyy"年"m"月"d"日" |
32 | hh"時"mm"分" |
33 | hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒" |
34 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分" |
35 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒" |
36 | [$-404]e/m/d |
50 | [$-404]e/m/d |
51 | [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日" |
52 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分" |
53 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒" |
54 | [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日" |
55 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分" |
56 | 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒" |
57 | [$-404]e/m/d |
58 | [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日" |
Simplified Chinese number format
Number format code in zh-cn
Index | Type |
27 | yyyy"年"m"月" |
28 | m"月"d"日" |
29 | m"月"d"日" |
30 | m-d-yy |
31 | yyyy"年"m"月"d"日" |
32 | h"时"mm"分" |
33 | h"时"mm"分"ss"秒" |
34 | 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分" |
35 | 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒 |
36 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
50 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
51 | m"月"d"日 |
52 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
53 | m"月"d"日 |
54 | m"月"d"日 |
55 | 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分 |
56 | 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒 |
57 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
58 | m"月"d"日" |
Japanese number format
Number format code in ja-jp
Index | Type |
27 | [$-411]ge.m.d |
28 | [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日 |
29 | [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日 |
30 | m/d/y |
31 | yyyy"年"m"月"d"日 |
32 | h"時"mm"分 |
33 | h"時"mm"分"ss"秒 |
34 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
35 | m"月"d"日 |
36 | [$-411]ge.m.d |
50 | [$-411]ge.m.d |
51 | [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日 |
52 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
53 | m"月"d"日 |
54 | [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日 |
55 | yyyy"年"m"月 |
56 | m"月"d"日 |
57 | [$-411]ge.m.d |
58 | [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日" |
Korean number format
Number format code in ko-kr
Index | Type |
27 | yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日 |
28 | mm-d |
29 | mm-d |
30 | mm-dd-y |
31 | yyyy"년" mm"월" dd"일 |
32 | h"시" mm"분 |
33 | h"시" mm"분" ss"초 |
34 | yyyy-mm-d |
35 | yyyy-mm-d |
36 | yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日 |
50 | yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日 |
51 | mm-d |
52 | yyyy-mm-d |
53 | yyyy-mm-d |
54 | mm-d |
55 | yyyy-mm-d |
56 | yyyy-mm-d |
57 | yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日 |
58 | mm-dd |
Thai language number format
Number format code in th-th
Index | Type |
59 | t |
60 | t0.0 |
61 | t#,## |
62 | t#,##0.0 |
67 | t0 |
68 | t0.00 |
69 | t# ?/ |
70 | t# ??/? |
71 | ว/ด/ปปป |
72 | ว-ดดด-ป |
73 | ว-ดด |
74 | ดดด-ป |
75 | ช:น |
76 | ช:นน:ท |
77 | ว/ด/ปปปป ช:น |
78 | นน:ท |
79 | [ช]:นน:ท |
80 | นน:ทท. |
81 | d/m/bb |
Currency format
Excelize built-in currency formats are shown in the following table, only support these types in the following table (Index number is used only for markup and is not used inside an Excel file and you can't get formatted value by the function GetCellValue
) currently:
Index | Currency format |
164 | ¥ |
165 | $ English (United States) |
166 | $ Cherokee (United States) |
167 | $ Chinese (Singapore) |
168 | $ Chinese (Taiwan) |
169 | $ English (Australia) |
170 | $ English (Belize) |
171 | $ English (Canada) |
172 | $ English (Jamaica) |
173 | $ English (New Zealand) |
174 | $ English (Singapore) |
175 | $ English (Trinidad & Tobago) |
176 | $ English (U.S. Virgin Islands) |
177 | $ English (United States) |
178 | $ French (Canada) |
179 | $ Hawaiian (United States) |
180 | $ Malay (Brunei) |
181 | $ Quechua (Ecuador) |
182 | $ Spanish (Chile) |
183 | $ Spanish (Colombia) |
184 | $ Spanish (Ecuador) |
185 | $ Spanish (El Salvador) |
186 | $ Spanish (Mexico) |
187 | $ Spanish (Puerto Rico) |
188 | $ Spanish (United States) |
189 | $ Spanish (Uruguay) |
190 | £ English (United Kingdom) |
191 | £ Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) |
192 | £ Welsh (United Kindom) |
193 | ¥ Chinese (China) |
194 | ¥ Japanese (Japan) |
195 | ¥ Sichuan Yi (China) |
196 | ¥ Tibetan (China) |
197 | ¥ Uyghur (China) |
198 | ֏ Armenian (Armenia) |
199 | ؋ Pashto (Afghanistan) |
200 | ؋ Persian (Afghanistan) |
201 | ৳ Bengali (Bangladesh) |
202 | ៛ Khmer (Cambodia) |
203 | ₡ Spanish (Costa Rica) |
204 | ₦ Hausa (Nigeria) |
205 | ₦ Igbo (Nigeria) |
206 | ₩ Korean (South Korea) |
207 | ₪ Hebrew (Israel) |
208 | ₫ Vietnamese (Vietnam) |
209 | € Basque (Spain) |
210 | € Breton (France) |
211 | € Catalan (Spain) |
212 | € Corsican (France) |
213 | € Dutch (Belgium) |
214 | € Dutch (Netherlands) |
215 | € English (Ireland) |
216 | € Estonian (Estonia) |
217 | € Euro (€ 123) |
218 | € Euro (123 €) |
219 | € Finnish (Finland) |
220 | € French (Belgium) |
221 | € French (France) |
222 | € French (Luxembourg) |
223 | € French (Monaco) |
224 | € French (Réunion) |
225 | € Galician (Spain) |
226 | € German (Austria) |
227 | € German (German) |
228 | € German (Luxembourg) |
229 | € Greek (Greece) |
230 | € Inari Sami (Finland) |
231 | € Irish (Ireland) |
232 | € Italian (Italy) |
233 | € Latin (Italy) |
234 | € Latin, Serbian (Montenegro) |
235 | € Larvian (Latvia) |
236 | € Lithuanian (Lithuania) |
237 | € Lower Sorbian (Germany) |
238 | € Luxembourgish (Luxembourg) |
239 | € Maltese (Malta) |
240 | € Northern Sami (Finland) |
241 | € Occitan (France) |
242 | € Portuguese (Portugal) |
243 | € Serbian (Montenegro) |
244 | € Skolt Sami (Finland) |
245 | € Slovak (Slovakia) |
246 | € Slovenian (Slovenia) |
247 | € Spanish (Spain) |
248 | € Swedish (Finland) |
249 | € Swiss German (France) |
250 | € Upper Sorbian (Germany) |
251 | € Western Frisian (Netherlands) |
252 | ₭ Lao (Laos) |
253 | ₮ Mongolian (Mongolia) |
254 | ₮ Mongolian, Mongolian (Mongolia) |
255 | ₱ English (Philippines) |
256 | ₱ Filipino (Philippines) |
257 | ₴ Ukrainian (Ukraine) |
258 | ₸ Kazakh (Kazakhstan) |
259 | ₹ Arabic, Kashmiri (India) |
260 | ₹ English (India) |
261 | ₹ Gujarati (India) |
262 | ₹ Hindi (India) |
263 | ₹ Kannada (India) |
264 | ₹ Kashmiri (India) |
265 | ₹ Konkani (India) |
266 | ₹ Manipuri (India) |
267 | ₹ Marathi (India) |
268 | ₹ Nepali (India) |
269 | ₹ Oriya (India) |
270 | ₹ Punjabi (India) |
271 | ₹ Sanskrit (India) |
272 | ₹ Sindhi (India) |
273 | ₹ Tamil (India) |
274 | ₹ Urdu (India) |
275 | ₺ Turkish (Turkey) |
276 | ₼ Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan) |
277 | ₼ Cyrillic, Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan) |
278 | ₽ Russian (Russia) |
279 | ₽ Sakha (Russia) |
280 | ₾ Georgian (Georgia) |
281 | B/. Spanish (Panama) |
282 | Br Oromo (Ethiopia) |
283 | Br Somali (Ethiopia) |
284 | Br Tigrinya (Ethiopia) |
285 | Bs Quechua (Bolivia) |
286 | Bs Spanish (Bolivia) |
287 | BS. Spanish (Venezuela) |
288 | BWP Tswana (Botswana) |
289 | C$ Spanish (Nicaragua) |
290 | CA$ Latin, Inuktitut (Canada) |
291 | CA$ Mohawk (Canada) |
292 | CA$ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Inuktitut (Canada) |
293 | CFA French (Mali) |
294 | CFA French (Senegal) |
295 | CFA Fulah (Senegal) |
296 | CFA Wolof (Senegal) |
297 | CHF French (Switzerland) |
298 | CHF German (Liechtenstein) |
299 | CHF German (Switzerland) |
300 | CHF Italian (Switzerland) |
301 | CHF Romansh (Switzerland) |
302 | CLP Mapuche (Chile) |
303 | CN¥ Mongolian, Mongolian (China) |
304 | DZD Central Atlas Tamazight (Algeria) |
305 | FCFA French (Cameroon) |
306 | Ft Hungarian (Hungary) |
307 | G French (Haiti) |
308 | Gs. Spanish (Paraguay) |
309 | GTQ K'iche' (Guatemala) |
310 | HK$ Chinese (Hong Kong (China)) |
311 | HK$ English (Hong Kong (China)) |
312 | HRK Croatian (Croatia) |
313 | IDR English (Indonesia) |
314 | IQD Arbic, Central Kurdish (Iraq) |
315 | ISK Icelandic (Iceland) |
316 | K Burmese (Myanmar (Burma)) |
317 | Kč Czech (Czech Republic) |
318 | KM Bosnian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
319 | KM Croatian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
320 | KM Latin, Serbian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
321 | kr Faroese (Faroe Islands) |
322 | kr Northern Sami (Norway) |
323 | kr Northern Sami (Sweden) |
324 | kr Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) |
325 | kr Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) |
326 | kr Swedish (Sweden) |
327 | kr. Danish (Denmark) |
328 | kr. Kalaallisut (Greenland) |
329 | Ksh Swahili (kenya) |
330 | L Romanian (Moldova) |
331 | L Russian (Moldova) |
332 | L Spanish (Honduras) |
333 | Lekë Albanian (Albania) |
334 | MAD Arabic, Central Atlas Tamazight (Morocco) |
335 | MAD French (Morocco) |
336 | MAD Tifinagh, Central Atlas Tamazight (Morocco) |
337 | MOP$ Chinese (Macau (China)) |
338 | MVR Divehi (Maldives) |
339 | Nfk Tigrinya (Eritrea) |
340 | NGN Bini (Nigeria) |
341 | NGN Fulah (Nigeria) |
342 | NGN Ibibio (Nigeria) |
343 | NGN Kanuri (Nigeria) |
344 | NOK Lule Sami (Norway) |
345 | NOK Southern Sami (Norway) |
346 | NZ$ Maori (New Zealand) |
347 | PKR Sindhi (Pakistan) |
348 | PYG Guarani (Paraguay) |
349 | Q Spanish (Guatemala) |
350 | R Afrikaans (South Africa) |
351 | R English (South Africa) |
352 | R Zulu (South Africa) |
353 | R$ Portuguese (Brazil) |
354 | RD$ Spanish (Dominican Republic) |
355 | RF Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) |
356 | RM English (Malaysia) |
357 | RM Malay (Malaysia) |
358 | RON Romanian (Romania) |
359 | Rp Indonesoan (Indonesia) |
360 | Rs Urdu (Pakistan) |
361 | Rs. Tamil (Sri Lanka) |
362 | RSD Latin, Serbian (Serbia) |
363 | RSD Serbian (Serbia) |
364 | RUB Bashkir (Russia) |
365 | RUB Tatar (Russia) |
366 | S/. Quechua (Peru) |
367 | S/. Spanish (Peru) |
368 | SEK Lule Sami (Sweden) |
369 | SEK Southern Sami (Sweden) |
370 | soʻm Latin, Uzbek (Uzbekistan) |
371 | soʻm Uzbek (Uzbekistan) |
372 | SYP Syriac (Syria) |
373 | THB Thai (Thailand) |
374 | TMT Turkmen (Turkmenistan) |
375 | US$ English (Zimbabwe) |
376 | ZAR Northern Sotho (South Africa) |
377 | ZAR Southern Sotho (South Africa) |
378 | ZAR Tsonga (South Africa) |
379 | ZAR Tswana (south Africa) |
380 | ZAR Venda (South Africa) |
381 | ZAR Xhosa (South Africa) |
382 | zł Polish (Poland) |
383 | ден Macedonian (Macedonia) |
384 | KM Cyrillic, Bosnian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
385 | KM Serbian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
386 | лв. Bulgarian (Bulgaria) |
387 | p. Belarusian (Belarus) |
388 | сом Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) |
389 | сом Tajik (Tajikistan) |
390 | ج.م. Arabic (Egypt) |
391 | د.أ. Arabic (Jordan) |
392 | د.أ. Arabic (United Arab Emirates) |
393 | د.ب. Arabic (Bahrain) |
394 | د.ت. Arabic (Tunisia) |
395 | د.ج. Arabic (Algeria) |
396 | د.ع. Arabic (Iraq) |
397 | د.ك. Arabic (Kuwait) |
398 | د.ل. Arabic (Libya) |
399 | د.م. Arabic (Morocco) |
400 | ر Punjabi (Pakistan) |
401 | ر.س. Arabic (Saudi Arabia) |
402 | ر.ع. Arabic (Oman) |
403 | ر.ق. Arabic (Qatar) |
404 | ر.ي. Arabic (Yemen) |
405 | ریال Persian (Iran) |
406 | ل.س. Arabic (Syria) |
407 | ل.ل. Arabic (Lebanon) |
408 | ብር Amharic (Ethiopia) |
409 | रू Nepaol (Nepal) |
410 | රු. Sinhala (Sri Lanka) |
411 | ADP |
412 | AED |
413 | AFA |
414 | AFN |
415 | ALL |
416 | AMD |
417 | ANG |
418 | AOA |
419 | ARS |
420 | ATS |
421 | AUD |
422 | AWG |
423 | AZM |
424 | AZN |
425 | BAM |
426 | BBD |
427 | BDT |
428 | BEF |
429 | BGL |
430 | BGN |
431 | BHD |
432 | BIF |
433 | BMD |
434 | BND |
435 | BOB |
436 | BOV |
437 | BRL |
438 | BSD |
439 | BTN |
440 | BWP |
441 | BYR |
442 | BZD |
443 | CAD |
444 | CDF |
445 | CHE |
446 | CHF |
447 | CHW |
448 | CLF |
449 | CLP |
450 | CNY |
451 | COP |
452 | COU |
453 | CRC |
454 | CSD |
455 | CUC |
456 | CVE |
457 | CYP |
458 | CZK |
459 | DEM |
460 | DJF |
461 | DKK |
462 | DOP |
463 | DZD |
464 | ECS |
465 | ECV |
466 | EEK |
467 | EGP |
468 | ERN |
469 | ESP |
470 | ETB |
471 | EUR |
472 | FIM |
473 | FJD |
474 | FKP |
475 | FRF |
476 | GBP |
477 | GEL |
478 | GHC |
479 | GHS |
480 | GIP |
481 | GMD |
482 | GNF |
483 | GRD |
484 | GTQ |
485 | GYD |
486 | HKD |
487 | HNL |
488 | HRK |
489 | HTG |
490 | HUF |
491 | IDR |
492 | IEP |
493 | ILS |
494 | INR |
495 | IQD |
496 | IRR |
497 | ISK |
498 | ITL |
499 | JMD |
500 | JOD |
501 | JPY |
502 | KAF |
503 | KES |
504 | KGS |
505 | KHR |
506 | KMF |
507 | KPW |
508 | KRW |
509 | KWD |
510 | KYD |
511 | KZT |
512 | LAK |
513 | LBP |
514 | LKR |
515 | LRD |
516 | LSL |
517 | LTL |
518 | LUF |
519 | LVL |
520 | LYD |
521 | MAD |
522 | MDL |
523 | MGA |
524 | MGF |
525 | MKD |
526 | MMK |
527 | MNT |
528 | MOP |
529 | MRO |
530 | MTL |
531 | MUR |
532 | MVR |
533 | MWK |
534 | MXN |
535 | MXV |
536 | MYR |
537 | MZM |
538 | MZN |
539 | NAD |
540 | NGN |
541 | NIO |
542 | NLG |
543 | NOK |
544 | NPR |
545 | NTD |
546 | NZD |
547 | OMR |
548 | PAB |
549 | PEN |
550 | PGK |
551 | PHP |
552 | PKR |
553 | PLN |
554 | PTE |
555 | PYG |
556 | QAR |
557 | ROL |
558 | RON |
559 | RSD |
560 | RUB |
561 | RUR |
562 | RWF |
563 | SAR |
564 | SBD |
565 | SCR |
566 | SDD |
567 | SDG |
568 | SDP |
569 | SEK |
570 | SGD |
571 | SHP |
572 | SIT |
573 | SKK |
574 | SLL |
575 | SOS |
576 | SPL |
577 | SRD |
578 | SRG |
579 | STD |
580 | SVC |
581 | SYP |
582 | SZL |
583 | THB |
584 | TJR |
585 | TJS |
586 | TMM |
587 | TMT |
588 | TND |
589 | TOP |
590 | TRL |
591 | TRY |
592 | TTD |
593 | TWD |
594 | TZS |
595 | UAH |
596 | UGX |
597 | USD |
598 | USN |
599 | USS |
600 | UYI |
601 | UYU |
602 | UZS |
603 | VEB |
604 | VEF |
605 | VND |
606 | VUV |
607 | WST |
608 | XAF |
609 | XAG |
610 | XAU |
611 | XB5 |
612 | XBA |
613 | XBB |
614 | XBC |
615 | XBD |
616 | XCD |
617 | XDR |
618 | XFO |
619 | XFU |
620 | XOF |
621 | XPD |
622 | XPF |
623 | XPT |
624 | XTS |
625 | XXX |
626 | YER |
627 | YUM |
628 | ZAR |
629 | ZMK |
630 | ZMW |
631 | ZWD |
632 | ZWL |
633 | ZWN |
634 | ZWR |
Excelize support set custom number format for cell. For example, set number as date type in Uruguay (Spanish) format for Sheet1!A6
f := excelize.NewFile()
defer func() {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
if err := f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A6", 42920.5); err != nil {
exp := "[$-380A]dddd\\,\\ dd\" de \"mmmm\" de \"yyyy;@"
style, err := f.NewStyle(&excelize.Style{CustomNumFmt: &exp})
if err != nil {
err = f.SetCellStyle("Sheet1", "A6", "A6", style)
Cell Sheet1!A6
in the Excel Application: martes, 04 de Julio de 2017
Get style
func (f *File) GetStyle(idx int) (*Style, error)
GetStyle provides a function to get style definition by given style index.
Set column style
func (f *File) SetColStyle(sheet, columns string, styleID int) error
SetColStyle provides a function to set style of columns by given worksheet name, columns range and style ID. This function is concurrency safe. Note that this will overwrite the existing styles for the columns, it won't append or merge style with existing styles.
For example set style of column H
on Sheet1
err = f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "H", style)
Set style of columns C:F
on Sheet1
err = f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "C:F", style)
Get column style
func (f *File) GetColStyle(sheet, col string) (int, error)
GetColStyle provides a function to get column style ID by given worksheet name and column name. This function is concurrency safe.
Set row style
func (f *File) SetRowStyle(sheet string, start, end, styleID int) error
SetRowStyle provides a function to set the style of rows by given worksheet name, row range, and style ID. Note that this will overwrite the existing styles for the rows, it won't append or merge style with existing styles.
For example set style of row 1 on Sheet1
err := f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 1, 1, styleID)
Set style of rows 1 to 10 on Sheet1
err := f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 1, 10, styleID)
Set default font
func (f *File) SetDefaultFont(fontName string)
SetDefaultFont changes the default font in the workbook.
Get default font
func (f *File) GetDefaultFont() string
GetDefaultFont provides the default font name currently set in the workbook. The spreadsheet generated by excelize default font is Calibri.