
Alignment directly maps the alignment settings of the cells.

type Alignment struct {
    Horizontal      string
    Indent          int
    JustifyLastLine bool
    ReadingOrder    uint64
    RelativeIndent  int
    ShrinkToFit     bool
    TextRotation    int
    Vertical        string
    WrapText        bool

Border directly maps the border settings of the cells.

type Border struct {
    Type  string
    Color string
    Style int

Font directly maps the font settings of the fonts.

type Font struct {
    Bold         bool
    Italic       bool
    Underline    string
    Family       string
    Size         float64
    Strike       bool
    Color        string
    ColorIndexed int
    ColorTheme   *int
    ColorTint    float64
    VertAlign    string

Fill directly maps the fill settings of the cells.

type Fill struct {
    Type    string
    Pattern int
    Color   []string
    Shading int

Protection directly maps the protection settings of the cells.

type Protection struct {
    Hidden bool
    Locked bool

Style directly maps the style settings of the cells.

type Style struct {
    Border        []Border
    Fill          Fill
    Font          *Font
    Alignment     *Alignment
    Protection    *Protection
    NumFmt        int
    DecimalPlaces int
    CustomNumFmt  *string
    NegRed        bool

Create style

func (f *File) NewStyle(style *Style) (int, error)

NewStyle provides a function to create the style for cells by a given style options, and returns style index. The same style index can not be used across different workbook. This function is concurrency safe. Note that the Font.Color field uses an RGB color represented in RRGGBB hexadecimal notation.


The following table shows the border types used in Border.Type supported by excelize:

Type Description Type Description
left Left border top Top border
right Right border bottom Bottom border
diagonalDown Diagonal down border diagonalUp Diagonal up border

The following table shows the border styles used in Border.Style supported by excelize index number:

Index Style Line Preview
0 None 0
1 Continuous 1 "Continuous"
2 Continuous 2 "Continuous"
3 Dash 1 "Dash"
4 Dot 1 "Dot"
5 Continuous 3 "Continuous"
6 Double 3 "Double"
7 Continuous 0 "Continuous"
8 Dash 2 "Dash"
9 Dash Dot 1 "Dash Dot"
10 Dash Dot 2 "Dash Dot"
11 Dash Dot Dot 1 "Dash Dot Dot"
12 Dash Dot Dot 2 "Dash Dot Dot"
13 SlantDash Dot 2 "SlantDash Dot"

The following table shows the border styles used in Border.Style in the order shown in the Excel dialog:

Index Preview Index Preview
0 12 "Border 12"
7 "Border 7" 13 "Border 13"
4 "Border 4" 10 "Border 19"
11 "Border 11" 8 "Border 8"
9 "Border 9" 2 "Border 2"
3 "Border 3" 5 "Border 5"
1 "Border 1" 6 "Border 6"

Color fill

The following table shows the shading styles used in Fill.Shading supported by excelize index number:

Index Style Index Style
0 Horizontal 3 Diagonal down
1 Vertical 4 From corner
2 Diagonal Up 5 From center

Pattern fill

The following table shows the pattern styles used in Fill.Pattern supported by excelize index number:

Index Style Index Style
0 None 10 "Pattern fill 10"
1 "Pattern fill 1" 11 "Pattern fill 11"
2 "Pattern fill 2" 12 "Pattern fill 12"
3 "Pattern fill 3" 13 "Pattern fill 13"
4 "Pattern fill 4" 14 "Pattern fill 14"
5 "Pattern fill 5" 15 "Pattern fill 15"
6 "Pattern fill 6" 16 "Pattern fill 16"
7 "Pattern fill 7" 17 "Pattern fill 17"
8 "Pattern fill 8" 18 "Pattern fill 18"
9 "Pattern fill 9



The Indent is an integer value, where an increment of 1 represents 3 spaces. Indicates the number of spaces (of the normal style font) of indentation for text in a cell. The number of spaces to indent is calculated as following:

Number of spaces to indent = indent value * 3

For example, an indent value of 1 means that the text begins 3 space widths (of the normal style font) from the edge of the cell. Note: The width of one space character is defined by the font. Only left, right, and distributed horizontal alignments are supported.

Horizontal alignment

The following table shows the type of cells' horizontal alignment used in Alignment.Horizontal:

Type Style
left Left (indented)
center Centered
right Right (indented)
fill Filling
justify Justified
centerContinuous Cross-column centered
distributed Decentralized alignment (indented)

Vertical alignment

The following table shows the type of cells' vertical alignment used in Alignment.Vertical:

Type Style
top Top alignment
center Centered
justify Justified
distributed Decentralized alignment

Reading order

ReadingOrder is an uint64 value indicating whether the reading order of the cell is left-to-right, right-to-left, or context dependent. the valid value of this field was:

Value Description
0 Context Dependent - reading order is determined by scanning the text for the first non-whitespace character: if it is a strong right-to-left character, the reading order is right-to-left; otherwise, the reading order left-to-right.
1 Left-to-Right: reading order is left-to-right in the cell, as in English.
2 Right-to-Left: reading order is right-to-left in the cell, as in Hebrew.

Relative indent

RelativeIndent is an integer value to indicate the additional number of spaces of indentation to adjust for text in a cell.

Font underline

The following table shows the type of font underline style used in Font.Underline:

Type Style
single Single line
double Double line

Number format

Excel's built-in all languages formats (the Style.NumFmt field) are shown in the following table:

Index Type
0 General
1 0
2 0.00
3 #,##0
4 #,##0.00
5 ($#,##0_);($#,##0)
6 ($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)
7 ($#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)
8 ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
9 0%
10 0.00%
11 0.00E+00
12 # ?/?
13 # ??/??
14 mm-dd-yy
15 d-mmm-yy
16 d-mmm
17 mmm-yy
18 h:mm AM/PM
19 h:mm:ss AM/PM
20 h:mm
21 h:mm:ss
22 m/d/yy h:mm
... ...
37 (#,##0_);(#,##0)
38 (#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)
39 (#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)
40 (#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)
41 _(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)
42 _($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_)
43 _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)
44 _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)
45 mm:ss
46 [h]:mm:ss
47 mm:ss.0
48 ##0.0E+0
49 @

Traditional Chinese number format

Number format code in zh-tw language:

Index Type
27 [$-404]e/m/d
28 [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"
29 [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"
30 m/d/yy
31 yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"
32 hh"時"mm"分"
33 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"
34 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"
35 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"
36 [$-404]e/m/d
50 [$-404]e/m/d
51 [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"
52 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"
53 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"
54 [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"
55 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"
56 上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"
57 [$-404]e/m/d
58 [$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"

Simplified Chinese number format

Number format code in zh-cn language:

Index Type
27 yyyy"年"m"月"
28 m"月"d"日"
29 m"月"d"日"
30 m-d-yy
31 yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"
32 h"时"mm"分"
33 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒"
34 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"
35 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒
36 yyyy"年"m"月
50 yyyy"年"m"月
51 m"月"d"日
52 yyyy"年"m"月
53 m"月"d"日
54 m"月"d"日
55 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分
56 上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒
57 yyyy"年"m"月
58 m"月"d"日"

Japanese number format

Number format code in ja-jp language:

Index Type
27 [$-411]ge.m.d
28 [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日
29 [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日
30 m/d/y
31 yyyy"年"m"月"d"日
32 h"時"mm"分
33 h"時"mm"分"ss"秒
34 yyyy"年"m"月
35 m"月"d"日
36 [$-411]ge.m.d
50 [$-411]ge.m.d
51 [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日
52 yyyy"年"m"月
53 m"月"d"日
54 [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日
55 yyyy"年"m"月
56 m"月"d"日
57 [$-411]ge.m.d
58 [$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"

Korean number format

Number format code in ko-kr language:

Index Type
27 yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日
28 mm-d
29 mm-d
30 mm-dd-y
31 yyyy"년" mm"월" dd"일
32 h"시" mm"분
33 h"시" mm"분" ss"초
34 yyyy-mm-d
35 yyyy-mm-d
36 yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日
50 yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日
51 mm-d
52 yyyy-mm-d
53 yyyy-mm-d
54 mm-d
55 yyyy-mm-d
56 yyyy-mm-d
57 yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日
58 mm-dd

Thai language number format

Number format code in th-th language:

Index Type
59 t
60 t0.0
61 t#,##
62 t#,##0.0
67 t0
68 t0.00
69 t# ?/
70 t# ??/?
71 ว/ด/ปปป
72 ว-ดดด-ป
73 ว-ดด
74 ดดด-ป
75 ช:น
76 ช:นน:ท
77 ว/ด/ปปปป ช:น
78 นน:ท
79 [ช]:นน:ท
80 นน:ทท.
81 d/m/bb

Currency format

Excelize built-in currency formats are shown in the following table, only support these types in the following table (Index number is used only for markup and is not used inside an Excel file and you can't get formatted value by the function GetCellValue) currently:

Index Currency format
164 ¥
165 $ English (United States)
166 $ Cherokee (United States)
167 $ Chinese (Singapore)
168 $ Chinese (Taiwan)
169 $ English (Australia)
170 $ English (Belize)
171 $ English (Canada)
172 $ English (Jamaica)
173 $ English (New Zealand)
174 $ English (Singapore)
175 $ English (Trinidad & Tobago)
176 $ English (U.S. Virgin Islands)
177 $ English (United States)
178 $ French (Canada)
179 $ Hawaiian (United States)
180 $ Malay (Brunei)
181 $ Quechua (Ecuador)
182 $ Spanish (Chile)
183 $ Spanish (Colombia)
184 $ Spanish (Ecuador)
185 $ Spanish (El Salvador)
186 $ Spanish (Mexico)
187 $ Spanish (Puerto Rico)
188 $ Spanish (United States)
189 $ Spanish (Uruguay)
190 £ English (United Kingdom)
191 £ Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)
192 £ Welsh (United Kindom)
193 ¥ Chinese (China)
194 ¥ Japanese (Japan)
195 ¥ Sichuan Yi (China)
196 ¥ Tibetan (China)
197 ¥ Uyghur (China)
198 ֏ Armenian (Armenia)
199 ؋ Pashto (Afghanistan)
200 ؋ Persian (Afghanistan)
201 ৳ Bengali (Bangladesh)
202 ៛ Khmer (Cambodia)
203 ₡ Spanish (Costa Rica)
204 ₦ Hausa (Nigeria)
205 ₦ Igbo (Nigeria)
206 ₩ Korean (South Korea)
207 ₪ Hebrew (Israel)
208 ₫ Vietnamese (Vietnam)
209 € Basque (Spain)
210 € Breton (France)
211 € Catalan (Spain)
212 € Corsican (France)
213 € Dutch (Belgium)
214 € Dutch (Netherlands)
215 € English (Ireland)
216 € Estonian (Estonia)
217 € Euro (€ 123)
218 € Euro (123 €)
219 € Finnish (Finland)
220 € French (Belgium)
221 € French (France)
222 € French (Luxembourg)
223 € French (Monaco)
224 € French (Réunion)
225 € Galician (Spain)
226 € German (Austria)
227 € German (German)
228 € German (Luxembourg)
229 € Greek (Greece)
230 € Inari Sami (Finland)
231 € Irish (Ireland)
232 € Italian (Italy)
233 € Latin (Italy)
234 € Latin, Serbian (Montenegro)
235 € Larvian (Latvia)
236 € Lithuanian (Lithuania)
237 € Lower Sorbian (Germany)
238 € Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)
239 € Maltese (Malta)
240 € Northern Sami (Finland)
241 € Occitan (France)
242 € Portuguese (Portugal)
243 € Serbian (Montenegro)
244 € Skolt Sami (Finland)
245 € Slovak (Slovakia)
246 € Slovenian (Slovenia)
247 € Spanish (Spain)
248 € Swedish (Finland)
249 € Swiss German (France)
250 € Upper Sorbian (Germany)
251 € Western Frisian (Netherlands)
252 ₭ Lao (Laos)
253 ₮ Mongolian (Mongolia)
254 ₮ Mongolian, Mongolian (Mongolia)
255 ₱ English (Philippines)
256 ₱ Filipino (Philippines)
257 ₴ Ukrainian (Ukraine)
258 ₸ Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
259 ₹ Arabic, Kashmiri (India)
260 ₹ English (India)
261 ₹ Gujarati (India)
262 ₹ Hindi (India)
263 ₹ Kannada (India)
264 ₹ Kashmiri (India)
265 ₹ Konkani (India)
266 ₹ Manipuri (India)
267 ₹ Marathi (India)
268 ₹ Nepali (India)
269 ₹ Oriya (India)
270 ₹ Punjabi (India)
271 ₹ Sanskrit (India)
272 ₹ Sindhi (India)
273 ₹ Tamil (India)
274 ₹ Urdu (India)
275 ₺ Turkish (Turkey)
276 ₼ Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan)
277 ₼ Cyrillic, Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan)
278 ₽ Russian (Russia)
279 ₽ Sakha (Russia)
280 ₾ Georgian (Georgia)
281 B/. Spanish (Panama)
282 Br Oromo (Ethiopia)
283 Br Somali (Ethiopia)
284 Br Tigrinya (Ethiopia)
285 Bs Quechua (Bolivia)
286 Bs Spanish (Bolivia)
287 BS. Spanish (Venezuela)
288 BWP Tswana (Botswana)
289 C$ Spanish (Nicaragua)
290 CA$ Latin, Inuktitut (Canada)
291 CA$ Mohawk (Canada)
292 CA$ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Inuktitut (Canada)
293 CFA French (Mali)
294 CFA French (Senegal)
295 CFA Fulah (Senegal)
296 CFA Wolof (Senegal)
297 CHF French (Switzerland)
298 CHF German (Liechtenstein)
299 CHF German (Switzerland)
300 CHF Italian (Switzerland)
301 CHF Romansh (Switzerland)
302 CLP Mapuche (Chile)
303 CN¥ Mongolian, Mongolian (China)
304 DZD Central Atlas Tamazight (Algeria)
305 FCFA French (Cameroon)
306 Ft Hungarian (Hungary)
307 G French (Haiti)
308 Gs. Spanish (Paraguay)
309 GTQ K'iche' (Guatemala)
310 HK$ Chinese (Hong Kong (China))
311 HK$ English (Hong Kong (China))
312 HRK Croatian (Croatia)
313 IDR English (Indonesia)
314 IQD Arbic, Central Kurdish (Iraq)
315 ISK Icelandic (Iceland)
316 K Burmese (Myanmar (Burma))
317 Kč Czech (Czech Republic)
318 KM Bosnian (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
319 KM Croatian (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
320 KM Latin, Serbian (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
321 kr Faroese (Faroe Islands)
322 kr Northern Sami (Norway)
323 kr Northern Sami (Sweden)
324 kr Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)
325 kr Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)
326 kr Swedish (Sweden)
327 kr. Danish (Denmark)
328 kr. Kalaallisut (Greenland)
329 Ksh Swahili (kenya)
330 L Romanian (Moldova)
331 L Russian (Moldova)
332 L Spanish (Honduras)
333 Lekë Albanian (Albania)
334 MAD Arabic, Central Atlas Tamazight (Morocco)
335 MAD French (Morocco)
336 MAD Tifinagh, Central Atlas Tamazight (Morocco)
337 MOP$ Chinese (Macau (China))
338 MVR Divehi (Maldives)
339 Nfk Tigrinya (Eritrea)
340 NGN Bini (Nigeria)
341 NGN Fulah (Nigeria)
342 NGN Ibibio (Nigeria)
343 NGN Kanuri (Nigeria)
344 NOK Lule Sami (Norway)
345 NOK Southern Sami (Norway)
346 NZ$ Maori (New Zealand)
347 PKR Sindhi (Pakistan)
348 PYG Guarani (Paraguay)
349 Q Spanish (Guatemala)
350 R Afrikaans (South Africa)
351 R English (South Africa)
352 R Zulu (South Africa)
353 R$ Portuguese (Brazil)
354 RD$ Spanish (Dominican Republic)
355 RF Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)
356 RM English (Malaysia)
357 RM Malay (Malaysia)
358 RON Romanian (Romania)
359 Rp Indonesoan (Indonesia)
360 Rs Urdu (Pakistan)
361 Rs. Tamil (Sri Lanka)
362 RSD Latin, Serbian (Serbia)
363 RSD Serbian (Serbia)
364 RUB Bashkir (Russia)
365 RUB Tatar (Russia)
366 S/. Quechua (Peru)
367 S/. Spanish (Peru)
368 SEK Lule Sami (Sweden)
369 SEK Southern Sami (Sweden)
370 soʻm Latin, Uzbek (Uzbekistan)
371 soʻm Uzbek (Uzbekistan)
372 SYP Syriac (Syria)
373 THB Thai (Thailand)
374 TMT Turkmen (Turkmenistan)
375 US$ English (Zimbabwe)
376 ZAR Northern Sotho (South Africa)
377 ZAR Southern Sotho (South Africa)
378 ZAR Tsonga (South Africa)
379 ZAR Tswana (south Africa)
380 ZAR Venda (South Africa)
381 ZAR Xhosa (South Africa)
382 zł Polish (Poland)
383 ден Macedonian (Macedonia)
384 KM Cyrillic, Bosnian (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
385 KM Serbian (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
386 лв. Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
387 p. Belarusian (Belarus)
388 сом Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)
389 сом Tajik (Tajikistan)
390 ج.م. Arabic (Egypt)
391 د.أ. Arabic (Jordan)
392 د.أ. Arabic (United Arab Emirates)
393 د.ب. Arabic (Bahrain)
394 د.ت. Arabic (Tunisia)
395 د.ج. Arabic (Algeria)
396 د.ع. Arabic (Iraq)
397 د.ك. Arabic (Kuwait)
398 د.ل. Arabic (Libya)
399 د.م. Arabic (Morocco)
400 ر Punjabi (Pakistan)
401 ر.س. Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
402 ر.ع. Arabic (Oman)
403 ر.ق. Arabic (Qatar)
404 ر.ي. Arabic (Yemen)
405 ریال Persian (Iran)
406 ل.س. Arabic (Syria)
407 ل.ل. Arabic (Lebanon)
408 ብር Amharic (Ethiopia)
409 रू Nepaol (Nepal)
410 රු. Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
411 ADP
412 AED
413 AFA
414 AFN
415 ALL
416 AMD
417 ANG
418 AOA
419 ARS
420 ATS
421 AUD
422 AWG
423 AZM
424 AZN
425 BAM
426 BBD
427 BDT
428 BEF
429 BGL
430 BGN
431 BHD
432 BIF
433 BMD
434 BND
435 BOB
436 BOV
437 BRL
438 BSD
439 BTN
440 BWP
441 BYR
442 BZD
443 CAD
444 CDF
445 CHE
446 CHF
447 CHW
448 CLF
449 CLP
450 CNY
451 COP
452 COU
453 CRC
454 CSD
455 CUC
456 CVE
457 CYP
458 CZK
459 DEM
460 DJF
461 DKK
462 DOP
463 DZD
464 ECS
465 ECV
466 EEK
467 EGP
468 ERN
469 ESP
470 ETB
471 EUR
472 FIM
473 FJD
474 FKP
475 FRF
476 GBP
477 GEL
478 GHC
479 GHS
480 GIP
481 GMD
482 GNF
483 GRD
484 GTQ
485 GYD
486 HKD
487 HNL
488 HRK
489 HTG
490 HUF
491 IDR
492 IEP
493 ILS
494 INR
495 IQD
496 IRR
497 ISK
498 ITL
499 JMD
500 JOD
501 JPY
502 KAF
503 KES
504 KGS
505 KHR
506 KMF
507 KPW
508 KRW
509 KWD
510 KYD
511 KZT
512 LAK
513 LBP
514 LKR
515 LRD
516 LSL
517 LTL
518 LUF
519 LVL
520 LYD
521 MAD
522 MDL
523 MGA
524 MGF
525 MKD
526 MMK
527 MNT
528 MOP
529 MRO
530 MTL
531 MUR
532 MVR
533 MWK
534 MXN
535 MXV
536 MYR
537 MZM
538 MZN
539 NAD
540 NGN
541 NIO
542 NLG
543 NOK
544 NPR
545 NTD
546 NZD
547 OMR
548 PAB
549 PEN
550 PGK
551 PHP
552 PKR
553 PLN
554 PTE
555 PYG
556 QAR
557 ROL
558 RON
559 RSD
560 RUB
561 RUR
562 RWF
563 SAR
564 SBD
565 SCR
566 SDD
567 SDG
568 SDP
569 SEK
570 SGD
571 SHP
572 SIT
573 SKK
574 SLL
575 SOS
576 SPL
577 SRD
578 SRG
579 STD
580 SVC
581 SYP
582 SZL
583 THB
584 TJR
585 TJS
586 TMM
587 TMT
588 TND
589 TOP
590 TRL
591 TRY
592 TTD
593 TWD
594 TZS
595 UAH
596 UGX
597 USD
598 USN
599 USS
600 UYI
601 UYU
602 UZS
603 VEB
604 VEF
605 VND
606 VUV
607 WST
608 XAF
609 XAG
610 XAU
611 XB5
612 XBA
613 XBB
614 XBC
615 XBD
616 XCD
617 XDR
618 XFO
619 XFU
620 XOF
621 XPD
622 XPF
623 XPT
624 XTS
625 XXX
626 YER
627 YUM
628 ZAR
629 ZMK
630 ZMW
631 ZWD
632 ZWL
633 ZWN
634 ZWR

Excelize support set custom number format for cell. For example, set number as date type in Uruguay (Spanish) format for Sheet1!A6:

Set number format

f := excelize.NewFile()
defer func() {
    if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
if err := f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A6", 42920.5); err != nil {
exp := "[$-380A]dddd\\,\\ dd\" de \"mmmm\" de \"yyyy;@"
style, err := f.NewStyle(&excelize.Style{CustomNumFmt: &exp})
if err != nil {
err = f.SetCellStyle("Sheet1", "A6", "A6", style)

Cell Sheet1!A6 in the Excel Application: martes, 04 de Julio de 2017

Get style

func (f *File) GetStyle(idx int) (*Style, error)

GetStyle provides a function to get style definition by given style index.

Set column style

func (f *File) SetColStyle(sheet, columns string, styleID int) error

SetColStyle provides a function to set style of columns by given worksheet name, columns range and style ID. This function is concurrency safe. Note that this will overwrite the existing styles for the columns, it won't append or merge style with existing styles.

For example set style of column H on Sheet1:

err = f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "H", style)

Set style of columns C:F on Sheet1:

err = f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "C:F", style)

Get column style

func (f *File) GetColStyle(sheet, col string) (int, error)

GetColStyle provides a function to get column style ID by given worksheet name and column name. This function is concurrency safe.

Set row style

func (f *File) SetRowStyle(sheet string, start, end, styleID int) error

SetRowStyle provides a function to set the style of rows by given worksheet name, row range, and style ID. Note that this will overwrite the existing styles for the rows, it won't append or merge style with existing styles.

For example set style of row 1 on Sheet1:

err := f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 1, 1, styleID)

Set style of rows 1 to 10 on Sheet1:

err := f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 1, 10, styleID)

Set default font

func (f *File) SetDefaultFont(fontName string)

SetDefaultFont changes the default font in the workbook.

Get default font

func (f *File) GetDefaultFont() string

GetDefaultFont provides the default font name currently set in the workbook. The spreadsheet generated by excelize default font is Calibri.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""