
Sparklines are a feature of Excel 2010+ which allows you to add small charts to worksheet cells. These are useful for showing visual trends in data in a compact format.

create sparkline with excelize using Go

Sparklines was invented by Edward Tufte.

Add Sparkline

func (f *File) AddSparkline(sheet string, opts *SparklineOptions) error

AddSparkline provides a function to add sparklines to the worksheet by given formatting options. Sparklines are small charts that fit in a single cell and are used to show trends in data. Sparklines are a feature of Excel 2010 and later only. You can write them to a spreadsheet file that can be read by Excel 2007 but they won't be displayed. For example, add a grouped sparkline. Changes are applied to all three:

err := f.AddSparkline("Sheet1", &excelize.SparklineOptions{
    Location: []string{"A1", "A2", "A3"},
    Range:    []string{"Sheet2!A1:J1", "Sheet2!A2:J2", "Sheet2!A3:J3"},
    Markers:  true,

create sparkline with excelize using Go

The following shows the formatting options of sparkline supported by excelize:

Parameter Description
Location Required, must have the same number with Range parameter
Range Required, must have the same number with Location parameter
Type Enumeration value: line, column, win_loss
Style Value range: 0 - 35
Hight Toggle sparkline high points
Low Toggle sparkline low points
First Toggle sparkline first points
Last Toggle sparkline last points
Negative Toggle sparkline negative points
Markers Toggle sparkline markers
Axis Used to specify if show horizontal axis
Reverse Used to specify if enable plot data right-to-left
SeriesColor An RGB Color is specified as RRGGBB

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