Form Controls

FormControl directly maps the form controls information.

type FormControl struct {
    Cell         string
    Macro        string
    Width        uint
    Height       uint
    Checked      bool
    CurrentVal   uint
    MinVal       uint
    MaxVal       uint
    IncChange    uint
    PageChange   uint
    Horizontally bool
    CellLink     string
    Text         string
    Paragraph    []RichTextRun
    Type         FormControlType
    Format       GraphicOptions

Add form control

func (f *File) AddFormControl(sheet string, opts FormControl) error

AddFormControl provides the method to add form control button in a worksheet by given worksheet name and form control options. Supported form control type: button, check box, group box, label, option button, scroll bar and spinner. If set macro for the form control, the workbook extension should be .xlsm or .xltm. Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.

Example 1, add button form control with macro, rich-text, custom button size, print property on Sheet1!A2, and let the button do not move or size with cells:

add button form control with Excelize

enable := true
err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
    Cell:   "A2",
    Type:   excelize.FormControlButton,
    Macro:  "Button1_Click",
    Width:  140,
    Height: 60,
    Text:   "Button 1\r\n",
    Paragraph: []excelize.RichTextRun{
            Font: &excelize.Font{
                Bold:      true,
                Italic:    true,
                Underline: "single",
                Family:    "Times New Roman",
                Size:      14,
                Color:     "777777",
            Text: "C1=A1+B1",
    Format: excelize.GraphicOptions{
        PrintObject: &enable,
        Positioning: "absolute",

Example 2, add option button form controls with checked status and text on Sheet1!A1 and Sheet1!A2:

add option button form controls with Excelize

if err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
    Cell:    "A1",
    Type:    excelize.FormControlOptionButton,
    Text:    "Option Button 1",
    Checked: true,
    Height:  20,
}); err != nil {
if err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
    Cell:    "A2",
    Type:    excelize.FormControlOptionButton,
    Text:    "Option Button 2",
    Height:  20,
}); err != nil {

Example 3, add spin button form control on Sheet1!B1 to increase or decrease the value of Sheet1!A1:

add spin button form control with Excelize

err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
    Cell:       "B1",
    Type:       excelize.FormControlSpinButton,
    Width:      15,
    Height:     40,
    CurrentVal: 7,
    MinVal:     5,
    MaxVal:     10,
    IncChange:  1,
    CellLink:   "A1",

Example 4, add horizontally scroll bar form control on Sheet1!A2 to change the value of Sheet1!A1 by click the scroll arrows or drag the scroll box:

add horizontally scroll bar form control with Excelize

err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
    Cell:         "A2",
    Type:         excelize.FormControlScrollBar,
    Width:        140,
    Height:       20,
    CurrentVal:   50,
    MinVal:       10,
    MaxVal:       100,
    IncChange:    1,
    PageChange:   1,
    CellLink:     "A1",
    Horizontally: true,

Get form controls

func (f *File) GetFormControls(sheet string) ([]FormControl, error)

GetFormControls retrieves all form controls in a worksheet by a given worksheet name. Note that, this function does not support getting the width and height of the form controls currently.

Delete form control

func (f *File) DeleteFormControl(sheet, cell string) error

DeleteFormControl provides the method to delete form control in a worksheet by given worksheet name and cell reference. For example, delete the form control in Sheet1!$A$1:

err := f.DeleteFormControl("Sheet1", "A1")

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