Form Controls
FormControl directly maps the form controls information.
type FormControl struct {
Cell string
Macro string
Width uint
Height uint
Checked bool
CurrentVal uint
MinVal uint
MaxVal uint
IncChange uint
PageChange uint
Horizontally bool
CellLink string
Text string
Paragraph []RichTextRun
Type FormControlType
Format GraphicOptions
Add form control
func (f *File) AddFormControl(sheet string, opts FormControl) error
AddFormControl provides the method to add form control button in a worksheet by given worksheet name and form control options. Supported form control type: button, check box, group box, label, option button, scroll bar and spinner. If set macro for the form control, the workbook extension should be .xlsm
or .xltm
. Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.
Example 1, add button form control with macro, rich-text, custom button size, print property on Sheet1!A2
, and let the button do not move or size with cells:
enable := true
err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
Cell: "A2",
Type: excelize.FormControlButton,
Macro: "Button1_Click",
Width: 140,
Height: 60,
Text: "Button 1\r\n",
Paragraph: []excelize.RichTextRun{
Font: &excelize.Font{
Bold: true,
Italic: true,
Underline: "single",
Family: "Times New Roman",
Size: 14,
Color: "777777",
Text: "C1=A1+B1",
Format: excelize.GraphicOptions{
PrintObject: &enable,
Positioning: "absolute",
Example 2, add option button form controls with checked status and text on Sheet1!A1
and Sheet1!A2
if err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
Cell: "A1",
Type: excelize.FormControlOptionButton,
Text: "Option Button 1",
Checked: true,
Height: 20,
}); err != nil {
if err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
Cell: "A2",
Type: excelize.FormControlOptionButton,
Text: "Option Button 2",
Height: 20,
}); err != nil {
Example 3, add spin button form control on Sheet1!B1
to increase or decrease the value of Sheet1!A1
err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
Cell: "B1",
Type: excelize.FormControlSpinButton,
Width: 15,
Height: 40,
CurrentVal: 7,
MinVal: 5,
MaxVal: 10,
IncChange: 1,
CellLink: "A1",
Example 4, add horizontally scroll bar form control on Sheet1!A2
to change the value of Sheet1!A1
by click the scroll arrows or drag the scroll box:
err := f.AddFormControl("Sheet1", excelize.FormControl{
Cell: "A2",
Type: excelize.FormControlScrollBar,
Width: 140,
Height: 20,
CurrentVal: 50,
MinVal: 10,
MaxVal: 100,
IncChange: 1,
PageChange: 1,
CellLink: "A1",
Horizontally: true,
Get form controls
func (f *File) GetFormControls(sheet string) ([]FormControl, error)
GetFormControls retrieves all form controls in a worksheet by a given worksheet name. Note that, this function does not support getting the width and height of the form controls currently.
Delete form control
func (f *File) DeleteFormControl(sheet, cell string) error
DeleteFormControl provides the method to delete form control in a worksheet by given worksheet name and cell reference. For example, delete the form control in Sheet1!$A$1
err := f.DeleteFormControl("Sheet1", "A1")